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    Monday, January 11, 2021

    Lord of the Rings Online | you can tell we’re tourists cause we’re so disrespectful

    Lord of the Rings Online | you can tell we’re tourists cause we’re so disrespectful

    you can tell we’re tourists cause we’re so disrespectful

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 12:03 PM PST

    First time getting this high of a level without level boosting, my only other highest toon is a Dwarf Champion that I boosted from a Mordor giveaway.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 04:48 PM PST

    Been doing an on-level only run. Just solo'd ToE at 40, feeling pretty good.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 03:07 PM PST

    Lord of the Rings Online 101: Legendary items Part 3

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 04:52 AM PST

    Returning player: How has the game evolved since Isengard?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 05:49 AM PST

    I've been playing LOTRO on and off over the years. Its highpoint was IMO Moria which completely blew me away and I put some hardcore hours into that before I quit for lack of things to do. I got Isengard at some point and lvld to max but it felt pretty bland and boring, coupled with the microtransaction scheme that tries to milk you at every turn even if you pay a monthly sub made me quit for good.

    How are the expansions since then? Worth going into Rohan and beyond if I didn't care much for Isengard?

    submitted by /u/Klopapiermillionaire
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    My epic quest chain appears to be broken? (Moria)

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 11:51 AM PST

    Hello r/lotro! I finally made my way into Moria (now level 50) and was working my way through the epic quests there. After completing Volume II, Book 2, Chapter 7 (The Empty Passage - a solo instance) I'm not able to advance any more and there is no indication in my quest log that I completed any of these (even though I did all in Vol II book 1 and Book 2 Chapters 1 - 7). When I try to speak to Brogur according to the wiki to start Chapter 8 he has a silver ring above him indicating I am too low but IDK why that would be because I completed the others (I'm level 50). Anyone have any ideas?

    Edit: One thing I realized is that you need to check the Show Completed box to see ones you have done--I didn't think I completed the entire thing but when I check that box it shows that I have completed all the Chapters in Volumes I and up to Chapter 7 of II in Moria--what's confusing is that it won't let me talk to the NPC (Brogur) I need to talk to in order to begin Chapter 8.

    submitted by /u/badlybarding
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    Can someone help with direction and advice?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 05:50 AM PST

    Hey everyone,

    New to Lotro. I have always loved the lotr universe and have wanted to get into a new mmorpg so i figure why not try this.

    Is there any straight forward advice anyone could give me?

    I have been very invested and dedicated to mmorpgs before, but I have a very hard time initially getting into them.

    I have autism, so I get very overwhelmed and discouraged pretty easily at times. I don't really enjoy being thrown into a huge open world where anything I want to do is up to me with a dozen different things I can do at any given time. I very much prefer to have linear direction and a structured routine or system to achieve a certain goal.

    Just a few questions!

    Should I just follow the main story quests? Is there anything I should avoid or look out for?

    Which class would be most needed for group content?

    What would be the most populated / active server?

    Is there anything I should buy? I'd love to support to the game as well. Is a membership worth it for a new player?

    Any info would be appreciated!

    TLDR - What are some solid straightforward tips for a starting new player? Which server is the most populated / active? Is buying a membership worth it?

    Edit: thanks so much for all the advice, i appreciate it! The lotro community seems so friendly and helpful. Thank you again

    submitted by /u/blazebyte421
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    Love this Hoodie.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 12:56 PM PST

    New player and classes ?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 09:10 AM PST

    Afternoon everyone! Really wanting to get into the lotro world but I'm not entirely sure what server would be a good one to start on with the high population..

    Im more than likely going to dive into the VIP when able and was wondering between Champion Hunter Captain and Warden for a first toon? I know warden comes with a challenge but I like a challenge.. I just don't want to invest time into a character and find out there sub par when I get into group content / raiding and suggestions ? <3

    submitted by /u/Refractorz
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    Lord of the Rings Online: The Remmorchant Boss 1 Walkthrough

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 12:38 PM PST

    I find it near impossible to properly gear up at this point of the patch.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 06:34 PM PST

    So i came back to the game 3 weeks ago, valared my cappy, got 130, started running stairs and got all the armor with vit essences.

    Now here lies the problem. Ive been 130 for two weeks now and i'm still at the same point i've been at a week and a half ago. My gear literally hasn't changed. I never see any remmos being run, i never see any thresholds being run, i have to be the one to start the initiative for t1 or t2 every time.

    So to set up a t1 remmo it takes me about 45 minutes-1 hour to form a group (if i want LM or burgs even more), we get the first boss down, try the boss 2 a couple times and then people start leaving, and then everyone leaves. That has been the case for me the last 4 times ive ran remmo. And i got a dps piece every time from b1(im a tank), which means no progression, my jewellery is still shit. So i've wasted around 2-3 hours of my time on nothing there.

    I try t2 remmo today and we tried 3 times on the first boss, and people were already getting worn out and not wanting to continue. T2 was even harder to find for some reason and it took me atleast an hour and 30 before i got everyone(LM and burg). So we fail 10 times and people leave. Another 2-3 hours wasted.

    I start the initiative to do thresh t1, people all join in, we do the raid, i get a piece worse than what drops in stairs t2, so another 45mins-1hr wasted. I dont even know why i ran that if thats what drops there.

    Same group tries t2 and everyone leaves after 2 tries.

    So I'm not exactly understanding how to gear up at this point of time? I feel like everyone who was gearing up was trying at the start of the patch or w/e and now nobody cares anymore. Can someone explain to me if this is a community problem or what exactly? Because I don't see a way for me to get geared up atm. I've been at the same point for a week and a half. Embers jewellery I don't want as my current 400 and 412 ilvl jewellery has more important stats on them, but they're still bad. I'm thinking of abandoning the game because of this and it's a huge waste of time for me not progressing at all. And i feel like it's a community problem.

    submitted by /u/cheetachu
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    [Request] Build for solo Beorning

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 01:41 PM PST

    Hello, I'm looking for a build that would be best for leveling solo Beorning. I enjoy combat that involves pulling herds of mobs at once and read this might be the best class for that. My problem is finding a good build. I've googled and found different builds but they all say "solo" or another post counters the previously selected tree. (i.e. I keep reading Red is bad tree. While others suggest it for solo.)

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/darkheartsmd
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    Champion or Warden for dps?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 04:00 PM PST

    I've read some things about both classes having realy solid dps along with burglars.. now this information might be dated I'm not entirely sure because this will be my first time diving into lotro, just looking for some guidance on the 3 choices :)

    submitted by /u/Refractorz
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    So frustrated with this company

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 03:16 PM PST

    Such a great game so poorly managed. I'm returning after a break and bought the newest expansion hours ago and still haven't received my code to activate. Searching this issue I found tons of people complaining it took up to 48 hours to receive their code. I have never heard of such a thing! The fact this has been an issue that has gone unresolved is absurd. What other game makes to wait 48 hours to play what you purchased?

    And I tried the find my order page and it said not found even though my card was charged.

    submitted by /u/Rich-Bluejay
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    What will be my next class for endgame?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 02:34 PM PST

    Thank you for your help!!!

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/ziplin19
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    Casual player & RP server

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 01:12 PM PST

    Joining back after about 9 years and starting fresh. Casual player looking to get onto an active populated server and wanting to get into a PVM/RP kinship. New to rp but want to give it a try with friendly folks open to new players. CST timezone night time play time

    Any recommendations welcome. TIA

    Edit: Timezone added

    submitted by /u/heathen58
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