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    Sunday, January 10, 2021

    Lord of the Rings Online | Thror's Coomb During Predawn (Enedwaith)

    Lord of the Rings Online | Thror's Coomb During Predawn (Enedwaith)

    Thror's Coomb During Predawn (Enedwaith)

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 02:34 PM PST

    Trying to find unique outfits for all my toons, think I found a nice rustic look for my Stout-Axe Hunter.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 04:11 PM PST

    Free to play, but NOT!?! (I actually think LoTRO is value)

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 09:07 AM PST

    So I regularly see posts about the FtP model SSG (and predecessors) use for LoTRO and the level of outrage is fascinating.

    I should start by saying, I was a pre-release Lifetime VIP purchaser, so yes, I've had it good since day 1, but I also have a second account that's not VIP and have friends I've introduced to the game etc.

    I am wondering if there are many others here lurking that actually feel the pricing of content is reasonable and, when considered in total, good value?

    Yes, at full price it seems to be the upper limit of that definition, but you'd have to be a raving lunatic to buy EVERYTHING all at once and at full price! There's just no need.

    The hours of content in the game are staggering, the servers that are up are still well populated, they are still developing content, and (let's be totally pragmatic here) SSG still have to pay staff to do this.

    I remember when Moria came out and, even as a Lifetimer I had to buy it. I was incensed. I was also in my early 20s and had little appreciation of the real world cost of anything. Then I loaded it, and started to explore it.

    Hoe. Lee. Sheet.

    I was blown away by the scale, content quality, and just bang for buck that expansion gave. In and of itself that would be a £45 game. Of course the texture packs and much of the architecture was there from the opening game, but still.

    Now look at everything else. I would argue that £100 for the content alone is good value. And they allow grinding to pay for a lot of it in LoTRO points... Bold move (and pretty business savvy actually). And there are sales very frequently.

    Battle of Three Peaks is undoubtedly the weakest yet, and there is no chance I'm forking out hard cash for what should be an update, but it's the only one so far and there's a whole new class and race coming sometime down the line which I won't grumble about paying for.

    Still a lot of people seem to think that games should be totally free, and staff at the companies developing and producing them should work for sweet FA.

    I just find this baffling.

    Long live LoTRO. I for one am a happy customer and also happy to pay for content.

    submitted by /u/Feronious
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    Anfalas Star Lit Crystals and Alts, lots of em

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 12:22 PM PST

    Is there any quick method of obtaining Anfalas Sat Lit crystals? I am an altoholic and trying to gear up toons and improve my Imbued LI weapon's seems a bit tough and overwhelming. Are there any tips people can post please. I've read the wiki's, looked at google for guides and checked out the barter vendors, festivals etc, is there something I am missing. Do I just farm marks of merit? any info is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Slade-Yob
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    Hunter Pre Imbuement Legacies

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 10:23 AM PST

    Can someone give me their 7 legacies for their bow pre imbuement please?

    I've got everything I need I think, but just want to make sure I'm going to have 7 decent (doesn't need to be meta) legacies that will allow me to play through the later game.


    submitted by /u/daleyboy1234
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    How do you get a horse?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 04:47 PM PST

    I'm new

    submitted by /u/HectorB_
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    Does this work like WoW? I buy the last expansion I get all the previous ones?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 06:38 AM PST

    If I want to get all the expansions do I have to buy them separately or just with the last one I get all the previous content?

    submitted by /u/Raizox22
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    My name disappears every time I log in as any character despite several checkboxes being selected

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 09:10 AM PST

    So, I have checked the "My character's name" checkbox. I have also selected the "Toggle Floating names" checkbox, both of which appear in the "Floating information" section of the UI Settings in the Options section.

    Going back into this section, deselecting the "My characters name" checkbox and then reselecting it displays my name.

    I know it's a pretty minor thing, but I'd like to be able to display my name.

    Presumably there's another checkbox or setting I need to adjust, but I don't know what that is.

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/HughJasshole
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    Champion or Hunter at endgame?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 05:47 AM PST

    Im a new player and by all means am in no rush to get to endgame. I want to enjoy the journey but when i get there i atleast want to be able to join groups. Are both viable for endgame?

    submitted by /u/ValhallaFalling
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