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    Monday, January 18, 2021

    Lord of the Rings Online | The journey begins... (this game looks fantastic)

    Lord of the Rings Online | The journey begins... (this game looks fantastic)

    The journey begins... (this game looks fantastic)

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 11:46 AM PST

    So far I'm really enjoying Dunland, about halfway until I head over to the Great River.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 10:19 PM PST

    The rare Beorning Centipede, a thing of nightmares.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 06:47 AM PST

    Mission cheat-sheet

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 06:49 PM PST

    forming a LOTRO LI resistance?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 12:36 AM PST

    Hi folks! I posted this on the forums a few minutes ago, but I know not everyone reads the forums (I don't, usually), so pardon the x-post, but here it is!

    Hello, I'm Sal. I play and lead a kinship on Landroval. I don't think I have posted on the forums in the past 5 years.

    And I am ANGRY about these proposed changes. Really angry. Like, waking up at 2:30 a.m. with insomnia angry. Not that that makes my feelings more valid that anyone else's, I just want to express that they're strong.

    I love LOTRO and it is a profoundly important part of my life. If that isn't the case for you - cool, you do your thing, I'll do my thing, and I am happy for you that you have more things in your life, but I don't. I have made real-life friends in this game, and for this past year in quarantine, it's been a life-saver. While I stay home and in isolation, I can still see my friends. I've been playing for almost 9 years, and in my kinship for nearly 8. I've been leading it for a few now. We're not a huge kin, but we have a lot going on, and are happy and active, as well as having a good reputation. But my actions now are my own.

    I have seen that a lot of people are unhappy about these changes. Livid. LotRO is getting dragged on the forums (til they locked the thread), on Twitter, and in MMO articles. While there was a response from Tybur (which yay! A response!), and they made some minor changes, it doesn't actually fix the problem, and we're still worse off than if none of the proposed changes were implemented. It makes me deeply sad that the community is so glad to just "feel heard" that they're still willing to accept this as some kind of compromise.

    My kinship is a motely crew of casual players. We've got folks all across the board - new players, endgame players, everything in between - and our officers work hard to make it work for everyone. We stock symbols and make level 100 FAs for everyone when they hit level. It is important to me that regardless of what stage you're at, when you come into the game, you're welcome and are given the tools to do what you want to do! And this change prevents that.

    I don't even know where to begin with how egregious these proposed changes are, for players across the board.

    Perhaps with: I understand that SSG needs to make money. I want SSG to make money! I want this game to keep going forever, because I love it, and I have invested hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars over the past 8 years to support this game. No, I'm not a whale, I am poor & play on a tiny 13" low-graphics laptop, but still - $10/month for these hours of entertainment? Absolutely worth it! When I have extra money and can splurge on the fanciest expansion pack, heck yeah! I'm gonna do it, as a thank you. I buy extra LP when I can. I'm not sure who the average LOTRO subscriber is, but I pay a couple hundred bucks a year, usually. And when I can't, I am grateful that I can still PLAY. And I am happy to pay that money.

    Until now.

    I have one character at cap level. She has four maxed LIs, sets for both solo & endgame healing. It took a helluva lot of work to get them there, pre-embers & pre-motes, the old-fashioned way. Then you added embers & motes. Okay, cool. Good, because it was supposed to make things easier for upcoming toons. I worked hard for those things, but I support other people not having to work as hard, because it sucked. I don't want other people to have to work just as hard just because it sucked for me & my generation - I want it to get easier for those coming up. Let's end the cycle of suffering, you know?

    But now you're making it worse?!

    I understand that the #1 reason is that you're trying to make more money through store micro-transactions.

    Gonna have a hard time making more money with even fewer players. You need to change this plan, NOW.

    You have also given no justification for this. Just popped it into some Bullroarer beta testing, as though this needs to be tested to see if it would work functionally? Did you think no one would notice? Sure it makes sense for the legendary servers, but y'all promised that legendaries wouldn't affect live servers, and newsflash: Most folks on live servers aren't staying level-locked in Gondor for 2 years. Tier-locking SoEs from there is a jerk move. And it wouldn't matter if you'd made a better way of getting SoEs, but you haven't! Trust me, I am tired of being asked, "Is this your first time in Minas Tirith? Shame you couldn't have seen it in better days." I've been here longer than you have, buddy.

    I had my misgivings about purchasing W3P as a subscriber, but I did it, to support the game. I would probably also purchase another "mini-expansion" for $20 to give you another chance. Content is worth paying for. Repeated un-fun content, however, is not. W3P was one day of questing. Then weeks of grinding repetitive, stupid, easy Missions that have ZERO valuable rewards, just for rep that has no value either. I've settled on getting music boxes with my rewards - at least I can vendor them for 7 silver instead of destroying. Now, 4 months later, you're gonna add some SoEs to the weeklies? Not even for barter with the tokens I'm trashing? Pardon me if I don't throw you a party for your generosity. That's still only giving max 5 scrolls per week - nowhere near replacing 7 scrolls per day.

    And to be clear, every single LI requires around 300 scrolls. Both LIs? 600. Play a class that has more than one role? 1200. Eru save you if you need three sets.

    This is bonkers. It was bonkers to begin with, but making it HARDER and expecting players to stick around and PAY for the privilege?

    I don't intend to leave game. I have responsibilities here, and I love the people I play with. I don't want to see the game die. I also love having the new VIP town services in my pocket wherever I go! Those are the kind of things I'm happy to pay for - convenience, and fun, and premium housing. Not pay to win. Not pay to play. There's a distinct difference. Most likely, if these changes stick, my kin will evolve to stop at level 100, so we can still play content that doesn't require LIs. I will cease paying for VIP. I will cease buying new content. I will cease buying LP. Endgame will grind to a halt, and those of us who are left will do RP in the Shire til the server rent payments cut off.

    I don't know what the hell I'm doing, but I feel like complaining on the forums isn't going to be enough, based on the response we've already gotten. If anyone would like to chat more about how to DO MORE to stop SSG from killing this game we love, please reach out. I'm hearing a lot of complaints and threats to leave game, but I feel it might be more effective if we just put a list together of "Hi, Imma stop paying" in a central location, since $ seems to be what matters most. It's my hope that organizing against this idiotic change could help save the game.

    I am Saloriel#1990 on Discord. Sure I'm gonna get a lot of hate too, but please let me know if you have a better idea of what to do, or how I can help!

    submitted by /u/Saloriel
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    I will never forget my first and last in-game fell-in-love story, and it happened here, in LOTRO

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 02:40 PM PST

    March 2020. The pandemic brought the initial lockdowns in Europe.

    I decided to log into LOTRO after quite a break. I joined a kinship and within moments I found out I got into a family-like kinship. So rare in MMOs these days.

    At the same time I came in, there was another female player who joined as well.

    She typed in kinship "let's have some Silmarillion discussion!"

    I was shocked. A phrase I never though to see in my life. We started chatting, after long discussions about probably everything in the book, we moved on to our kinship discord.

    She told me "I challenge you for a lore quiz!".

    "bring it on!" I said.

    She kicked the SHIT outta me. She even sang me some of books songs!

    When more kinship fellas joined our room, me and her began to sing some Bombadil songs while the rest laughed so bad XD

    We got to know each other beyond the game. We were both same age Tolkien nerds, workaholics who happen to work at the same job in different countries! Not to mention we are both metalheads.

    We kept on talking and playing together everyday to the night, she opened a new character just to play with me since I was low level.

    One day by the end of April, she stopped logging to LOTRO. She logged in Discord one more time and told me she won't play lotro anymore since life got her busy again.

    I bade her very fond farewell and told her I'll miss her. She said she will too and went offline.

    Since April, she wasn't online even once. I still happen to check her status on my friendlist every time I log in.

    I feel somewhat sad when I log into LOTRO. I always recall the moments we had so many zones and instances.

    It is somewhat disheartening how easy you can make friends or even distant relationships and how quickly those can end in a moment.

    submitted by /u/Johnlends
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    Just hit 90 in Rohan and I give up.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 04:13 PM PST

    Is it me or has Lotro become really linear?

    The Great River was fun and the Norcrofts were good too. Still felt like old Lotro. But something happened somewhere in Rohan where I just can't stand playing. There is no reason to go, you know explore. Of all zones you would think exploring Rohan would be the very expansion to do that but no.

    Now, the beginning of Rohan in the Norcrofts was good but as I moved further west and got into Snowborn then Edoras I noticed something:

    • You cant go to any other quest hubs and gather quests unless you finish the one you are in
    • Almost every single hub plays out like this:

      • Meet the Thane, who has an issue
      • Talk to all the townfolks who need help with:
        • Making preparations, finding wood, gathering nails, tools, burying the dead, etc

      I went ahead to Brockbridge as I was sent there and when I checked out Woodhurst and other areas no quests. The same thing again as I went to Broadackers. You get the Stoke breadcrumb quest, but Oserley has no quests or anywhere else on that map.

    Does this get any better as I progress closer to max level?

    submitted by /u/darkwombat45
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    World Transfers in LOTRO are once again live!

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 04:46 PM PST

    Sadly, this does not include from closed game worlds, but they say that it is coming soon. And it isn't cheap at 2,495 LP.


    submitted by /u/Cloudster47
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    Returning player - What do I need to buy?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 02:03 AM PST

    Hi! I played the base game + Mines of Moria back in the day. Now I want to return but I'm a little bit lost. My Account says I own Mines of Moria + Shadows of Angmar (guest). What do I need to buy to play the game? What does "Shadows of Angmar (guest)" mean? Do I need to re-buy the base-game?

    submitted by /u/Nutzer1337
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    LOTRO Expansion Trove for Returning Player

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:29 PM PST

    I just came back to LOTRO and have Mines of Moria Collector's Edition and Siege of Mirkwood. I want to get a few more expansions as I am leveling pretty fast right now. I don't mind paying for something that includes those two expansions as it's a good deal still than paying in the LOTRO Store even with the current sale.

    However, I read that the Trove content doesn't include some of the perks of the original expansion releases, such as classes. If I get the Trove, will it erase my previous purchased expansion content such as the Warden class, goat mount, etc. that was included? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Drackedary
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    I think this may have been posted before but I cant find the post, can anyone tell me what all the blazons are?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 09:14 AM PST

    Champion viable throughout the entire game?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:29 PM PST

    Hey everyone ! I just started a champion and only got to level 16 so far and I haven't been more happy with myself ! But so far it's been a easy steamroll through content.. swapping between the red and yellow line everything feels like it doesn't pose much of a challenge.. does Champion "fall off" at any point that I need to worry about? Or are they just a solid strong class atm ?

    submitted by /u/Refractorz
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    So you Think You Can Raid? A guide on how to raid in the Lord of the Rings Online

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 08:13 AM PST

    Thinking about starting a character

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 06:45 PM PST

    Hey guys, I just wanted to know how the game is for new players. I'm obviously going to start F2P, hopefully if I like the game I'll do the monthly subscription. But I just wanted to know things like is it populated, how the grinding is and what not. Any info helps, thanks!

    submitted by /u/ZestyMordent
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    I’ve created a LOTR soundboard!����

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 12:26 PM PST

    I don't always play Dwarves! Lately I've been doing relaxed early game content with a friend as my High Elf Guardian, Morlaeron ( Night Song ). He was once a Knight of Gondolin.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:50 AM PST

    [Laurelin] Anyone in an active RP kin or wanting to start a new RP journey?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 11:59 AM PST

    Hey Folks, big Lotr nerd who loves being immersed in this amazing game!I used to be part of a kin, but it disbanded too soon and am coming back to RP again after a few years. Thought I'd ask if anyone was in an active RP kin at the moment? Or if your starting anew and wanting a friend to RP story-lines, adventure/travels? I'd love to find a dedicated community or just a few like-minded people (I've checked out LA and have messaged around but haven't found one I fit into yet).

    The Pony is great, but feels like people are trying to live out fantasy's. Hoping to find something a little more (dedicated, serious?) not the right words, but hoping someone will know what I mean!

    Any feedback would be great! Thanks.

    submitted by /u/_non-sequitur
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    Sauron costume

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 09:53 AM PST

    A buddy of mine has the sauron costume and he hasn't been on to show it. We also can't find it anywhere. Google, YouTube, bing, AOL and yahoo. Nothing. Does anyone have any photos of this costume he has? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Rastrepo
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    Does LOTRO have a large learning curve?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 12:25 PM PST

    I'm basically bored out of my mind and finding it very difficult to stay entertained with the games I've played in the past. I did try out LOTRO many years ago and it wasn't really for me, but I also didn't put more than an hour or so of effort into it with a plethora of other games to play so I'm going to try again.

    Mainly what I'm wanting to know is is this game grindy? How is the learning curve? How is the playerbase on average on the servers?

    I played WoW in it's earlier days, and various other MMOs for periods of time so I'm not new to the genre, I just can't seem to find a whole lot of information for a newcomer online, probably because the game has been around for so long newcomers are probably not too common.

    Any info relevant to a new player starting out would be much appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/SpicyPico2
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    Which Class Should I Choose?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 01:21 PM PST

    Hi guys, I'm currently interested in creating an alt High Elf, I already have a Champion Dwarf (which i don't use that much) and my main is a Man Hunter, currently resting in Snowbourn in East Rohan;

    What you think is a good class to combine with High Elf?

    submitted by /u/ultimatemachine311
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