• Breaking News

    Wednesday, January 13, 2021

    Lord of the Rings Online | It took me 13 years, and I finally beat the epic storyline.

    Lord of the Rings Online | It took me 13 years, and I finally beat the epic storyline.

    It took me 13 years, and I finally beat the epic storyline.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 05:06 PM PST

    I've been playing on and off for all these years, slowly and meticulously going through each area, even when leveling was a feat of its own when I couldn't afford VIP membership until level 70, exploring every nook of the world and reading through every quest text box.

    Goddamnit you guys I just love this game so much, when I finally finished the last quest, I cried, hard.

    I put together a medium sized album of some moments I captured on my journey, unfortunately due to switching computers I only have screenshots from Rohan and onwards, none of the ancient stuff, but if you're interested, here it is.

    Hvitserkr's journey

    submitted by /u/SirBlabbermouth
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    I haven't left the Bree region yet, but the world looks huge already. Is the world map really as big as it seems?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 09:47 AM PST

    Obligatory "that's what she said".

    submitted by /u/Lothire
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    New Store Concerns

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 05:41 AM PST

    So what happens to all the people who purchased the quad pack alone or content up to helms deep during the recent sale? Do they now have to spend 60 just for Mordor without the bonuses?

    Yes, I get you can get the expansion inside of the In-Game LOTRO Store, but the pricing doesn't make any sense. With the current bundle the pricing in the LOTRO Store should be slashed in half for those who want to still buy them individually. The fact you can grind LOTRO points to get the expansions should not be the sole reason the price shouldn't be reduced as there are many people who do not have that kind of time to play the same intro areas over and over doing deeds for some weeks just to get a single expansion.

    I think that if the website will no longer offer them individually the in game store should sell the first 4 at 1000-1500 each with helms and mordor around 2000-2500... not nearly 4000-5000 where they currently sit. it's a complete rip off in terms of time and money investment with the current bundle pricing.

    submitted by /u/The3rdLetter
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    Does Bullroarer updates go out on live servers as well?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 11:10 PM PST

    This new 28.3 patch is just horrible, just plain horrible and designed with the only intention to force more LP purchases with zero game improvements. Will this roll out on live non-legendary servers too?

    submitted by /u/abelking4444
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    Returning player!!! (USA/NA)

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 09:27 PM PST

    I'm really wanting to come back to play LOTRO after so long!

    I got a new gaming PC since November so I know I can run this game now! Before, I played it on my laptop and it was just not really good for me at all. But now, I can come back to play again!

    I've always loved watching the films and reading the books. Soooo, lotro always caught my attention and I've always wanted to actually play this and go through the main quest/storyline!!!

    How is this games population these days? Are there still many players?

    Which of the following realms are best to join? I'm from NA EST, GMT-5 timezone, if that matters! Just looking for really friendly players to play with and have a laid back, casual, and a great time with.

    Also, any newbie friendly (kinships?) out there? Would love to join one and find a new warm/welcoming home!

    submitted by /u/MrAddison88
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    SOE and Rep Tome nerfs on Bullroarer

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 02:57 PM PST

    do i need to finish one volume before starting the new one?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 05:35 PM PST

    hey! i'm relatively a new player, im stuck in book 9, chapter 1 and i was wondering if i really need to finish it before i start the second volume

    submitted by /u/livazc
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    Returning after 2 years: The good, the bad and the Uruk-Hai

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 07:45 AM PST

    So, the last time I played, the Mordor expansion just hit the Store and I was coming back from a long absence then. And then my computer died and I just now managed to come back from my exile to the Console Lands. A lot has changed. A lot. Some of those things are great! Some of those things are concerning or even alarming. Thought I'd share.

    The Good

    Mordor: I'm finally getting to play this expansion and it's so. very. good. I'm enjoying this a lot more than I did Rohan or Helm's Deep. More like this, please and thank you.

    Account Mounts: IT'S ABOUT TIME! Seriously, this was always a complaint of mine since the game went F2P. IMO, most things in an MMO that cost that much which isn't a one use consumable needs to be an account unlock. So I'm very, very happy to see this.

    Stout Axe Dwarves: Best race intro yet. Beorning and High Elf intros are good, but they didn't immerse me in the story the way Stout Axe Dwarves did. Looking forward to River Hobbits and hoping their intro is as good.

    Legendary Servers: I like the idea. No idea what the current cap is, but I'm gonna have to get on it if I want to catch up.

    The Bad

    No New Skirmishes: So... really? I hear people complaining about lack of new group content and here sits the Skirmish system. Ignored. Unloved. Just waiting for a dev to pick it up, dust it off and give people the scalable group content they desire. Seriously, please do something with this.

    Legendary Items: Still a mess after all these years. 'Nuff said.

    The Uruk-Hai

    Player population: This is the part I find alarming. I played this game at its height. Y'know, back in the days when LotRO was an industry darling. Now, I can play for hours and might only see one person the entire time. Something needs to be done. When I run into more players in Guild Wars 1, a game with no active development anymore, than I do here, it's a bit shocking. I'm not really sure what could be done, but something really needs to be.

    Can't really think of anything else to say just yet. I've missed my time here, glad to be back, looking forward to seeing what comes next.

    submitted by /u/Bryandt
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    Found a walking tree.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 03:05 AM PST

    Bullroarer Update 28.3 - Preview #1

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 02:22 PM PST

    Older Group Content Challenge Deeds

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 12:10 PM PST

    Going to putting together some groups on Arkenstone likely starting this evening (10pm EST). The goal is to help others and myself complete some of those straggler deeds from old raids and dungeons.

    Some of the ones we would be looking at would be Naerband, Abyss of Mordath, Road to Erebor, and some Out Dunhoth. Now, some of these deeds still require doing Challenges that have scaled to 130. Some do not. So ideally I would be looking for people are decently geared but may have room for a couple carries.

    If you are interested in this please let me know as soon as possible.

    Bludborn#6478 on Discord

    submitted by /u/bludborn1
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    How do you actually join a kinship?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 02:14 PM PST

    Finding a lot of explanation about kinships, how to find one, how to start one, etc. I already know which one (mythgard on Landroval). Just want to belong to Signum university and the Tolkien professor's work.

    All this information says joining a kinship is easy. But how do you actually do it? Is there some sort of command?

    submitted by /u/FrankvdN
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    1/12/2021 Login Problem

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 07:43 PM PST

    Everytime I try to login a message pops up that says No Subscription For found. Failed to launch client. I know I'm entering the right password and user because I logged into the account on the website. I cant find any real help is anyone getting the same issue? Does anyone know how to get past this point?

    submitted by /u/TheDireCatalyst
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    [QUESTION] interested gamer looking for new MMO experience.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 11:46 AM PST

    I'm really into WoW but uh I need a long break. I heard this game is cool, but I don't think many people play. I tried this game out a year or so ago and not many people in the nƩe player areas. Are there areas in the game where there are always players? Can I play the game as a solo build and play with others when I eventually find someone? I know it sounds stupid, but I get lonely if real people aren't around in the game. I'd love to get some opinions.

    submitted by /u/gregnortonvisuals
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    Lord of the Ring Online: The Chamber of Shadows Walkthrough

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 03:29 PM PST

    Returning player advice

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 02:58 PM PST

    Just wondering if there is a decent website that helps you find difficult to find locations. I find myself lost a lot

    submitted by /u/tyco969
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    Installation process?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 01:22 PM PST

    Is installation process any better now? I remember about 2yrs ago, I tried lotro and installation was so buggy it made me mad. I tried to play the game with it's own launcher and not with steam if that does have anything to do with it.

    I really want to try this game more since, this is the mmorpg I want to get in. I mainly play wow and I do really like it, but since I love lotr, I do want to play this more.

    Since I'm writing already this I could ask with same writing about ping... Sooooo how's the ping for eu players? I live in northern europe (Finland) and I'm a bit concerned about server ping..

    submitted by /u/mahtich
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    Stout-Axe - any new combat animations?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 07:11 AM PST

    I finally got around to rolling a Stout-Axe and playing the excellent intro.

    Now I'm curious if the race has any new combat animations, like the high elf has a variety of new animations for mainly melee combat?

    The running and jumping animations are great imo, but I've been unable to find any info on combat.

    Anyone knows?

    submitted by /u/offenberg
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    Is the expansion Trove worth it for a Brand new player ?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 09:13 AM PST

    How to Fix The Lord of the Rings Online

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 03:58 PM PST

    Do you want to know LOTR film locations?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 07:54 PM PST

    Scholar question

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 03:18 AM PST

    I found the area of nan wathren in north downs which had a shitload of tier 2 scholar nodes. I wanted to ask if you know of any other such areas for other level nodes? Most interested in tier 1 and 3. Right now I'm trying to get master in apprentice so I'm running around Breeland getting t1 nodes but it's not super fast. Also any general tips would be appreciated, it seems like scholar is much harder to level up than other professions. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/justenjoytheshow_
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