• Breaking News

    Wednesday, January 20, 2021

    Lord of the Rings Online | I have reached an......interesting part of the story.

    Lord of the Rings Online | I have reached an......interesting part of the story.

    I have reached an......interesting part of the story.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 04:45 PM PST

    I made some friends and got the best title!

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 07:00 AM PST

    New LOTRO Project - webcomic based on my screenshots of the Epic storyline

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 07:17 AM PST

    I am in need of help, currently i am trying to find the armor pieces seen in the image. Anyone who can help me? (image from https://loth-i-lonnath.shivtr.com/pages/mithdirith)

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 06:10 AM PST

    Kinship usurped

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 02:11 AM PST

    How can you find out who usurped your Kinship? Got usurped and booted out, kinship island gone, no name to be seen.

    submitted by /u/Jeebsurtook
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    [North America] Looking for a Group, new player eager to experience the game

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 06:53 PM PST

    Hey guys, I'm trying to potentially find a group that is starting fresh characters on North American servers. I am currently level 18 after 2 days of getting my feet wet, have bought VIP and the first 4 expansions which should hold me over for a while seeing as how the grind is quite slow. I would like to experience the content the game has to offer, as appealing as a level 120 boost is that isn't really my cup of tea and based on what I've read about the grindyness of end game I think I'd rather take my time getting to that point.

    I am new to the game, but have quite a bit of past MMORPG experience which, for the most part, makes a lot of the fundamentals of the game familiar, but I think trying to find a group to play on some sort of schedule might be a more interesting way to progress.

    I know it's a long shot but after getting some quality advice here prior to installing I thought it was worth trying before I continue my solo grind. I am all for restarting on another server, and as of now I am playing as a yellow captain (tank). I am willing to put the time and effort in so anyone who might consider responding would hopefully do the same.

    Thanks for reading!

    Edit: I should also mention the server I am on currently is Arkenstone

    submitted by /u/SpicyPico2
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    Finally got a good outfit setup for my Hobbit Minstrel, Endwo Brewford.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 10:06 AM PST

    Kinship running Fornost at Lvl 25 last night

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 09:39 AM PST

    Kinship running Fornost at Lvl 25 last night

    And I kinda liked this screenshot i got in the middle of a chaotic fight.

    IF you haven´t visited Fornost in a while, it is definitely worth it. The place is magnificent to look at, the lore is great and very important for the story (if a bit sad for Arnor), enemies are interesting, and if there are newbies in your kinship or server they will definitely appreciate it.

    Bears got a bone to pick

    submitted by /u/Juanrayo
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    Any ETA on the producer’s letter?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 12:12 PM PST

    Hey guys! When do you guys think the producer's letter is gonna come? I'm really excited for LOTRO's plans now that thet have been bought by EG7.

    submitted by /u/Silasmisel123
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    New Players - When to buy the DLC?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 02:30 PM PST

    So my friend and I have recently started LOTRO for the first time and are loving it. Having purchased the starter bundle we are progressing through the base game slowly but playing most nights.

    My question is when should we think about getting the DLC packs? Wasn't sure if we should wait until we have completed the base games epic quests or purchase the DLC's before we get to certain areas so that all the content is there and its not like some blank slate arriving at certain places?

    submitted by /u/ScottMcsnuggles
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    Update 28.3 Release Notes (Wednesday, January 20th, 2021)

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 10:57 AM PST

    Quest/area order?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 11:25 AM PST

    Hi guys, I've been playing LOTRO since beta, but I'm a little out of touch with things now.

    What is the best 'route' to follow?

    submitted by /u/DreadzBASSment
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    [Nostalgia] Returning player, not played in a decade - what areas am I thinking of?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 06:59 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I'm contemplating a return to LOTRO. I'm burnt out from WoW and need something chill to relax with. I love a good story, and I like LOTR, so LOTRO seemed like a good pick. I played a couple of months on release/when Moria was announced, and a month or so in 2011. I never got far, and from looking at my accounts it looks like I've lost all my characters in the server wipes/merges or company takeovers. No matter because I don't think I got higher than the mid-teens...

    But I keep thinking about 4 specific areas, and I'm wondering if based on the descriptions, whether you guys can tell me where I'm thinking about, and what level I would have been roughly?

    The first area I'm remembering is somewhere I was as a Man, I think - I was high up on a fairly barren plain, there were mountains in the south with some old ruins you could explore. I seem to remember I was mining, and there were orcs/goblins in the ruins. If you're familiar with WoW geography, I'd liken it to south of the road in Arathi Highlands, east of Stromgard, if the mountains had ruins built into them.

    The second area I'm remembering is somewhere I was as a Man again, I think - There was a town with a bank in the south-west corner. If you went north out of town, you'd come to a bridge on your left across a river that ran north-to-south. Across the river you'd follow a long path West, and at the end of you zone you dropped south into a swampy forest with lots of spiders. The treeline was 'hard' so it acted as a wall/funnel that guided you round to the back. It was pretty maze-like. What was the zone/town/forest? I seem to remember spending a lot of time in that forest - can't remember if due to alts, or repeated questlines. Pretty sure Tom Bombadil was in there, too.

    The third area I'm remembering is somewhere south of Thorin's Hall / Ered Luin as a Dwarf, I think. I think it was south-west of Gondamon. I remember taking a path down a cliff onto a fairly flat area that went out to sea at the East. I think there were elven ruins, or a dock there, but the zone was populated with some high level baddies for a low level character. Kind of felt like the 'end' part of a zone? I seem to recall it being near an Elven settlement with marble-arched bridges covered in vines? I remember it was dark. Looking at the map, could I be describing Falathlorn and Celondim?

    The fourth area I'm remembering is a swamp. I'm pretty sure there was a dungeon, or at least some sort of rocky-structure in the centre of it. There were lots of raised mounds in the swamp and it was populated by orcs. I can't remember any zones surrounding it, except for I think you accessed it from the west.

    If you could help scratch the itch, I'd be grateful!

    FWIW I'm from the UK so starting on Evernight. I like tanking and 'leading' so think I'm going with Man Captain, otherwise I love dwarves and tanking, so would go Guardian - but understand Captain is more versatile and sought after.

    submitted by /u/Silecio
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    Medallion Farming

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 08:34 AM PST

    Anyone know of a decent way for a level 65ish character to farm a bunch of medallions? Been looking through the internet but everything I've found is at least a few years old so wanted an updated answer. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Eldestruct0
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    Skirmishes done wrong

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 08:30 AM PST

    I must be doing the Moria skirmishes all wrong, I've tried the two stairs and cross roads (if memory serves) and it's always bone crushing and not possible solo. My skirimish soldiers don't show up/ activate and for most of the stairs I just stare across the bridge with nothing happening.

    I really wanted Moria because I thought the skirmishes would be epic, me and some NPC's standing off against vast goblin/ orc minions by the millions...but nothing. I must be doing it wrong. Lvl 58 (nearly 59) champ and most of the elites in them just two shot me...same with the treasury quests, can't complete because I can't compete.

    Any thoughts, tips, guides would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ViulfR
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    New player looking for weekly static friends (Brandywine EST)

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 07:28 AM PST

    36 Captain just about finished with North Downs and Lone-Lands.

    I am looking for people to run around with that might be in the same boat. It would be nice to get together and run some instances / skirmishes once a week.

    6PM+ Wed Thur // 12 Noon Fri thru Sun

    Send me a DM here or a friend invite on Discord SirNaves#2780

    submitted by /u/SirNaves9
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    Explorer question

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 08:48 AM PST

    As an apprentice Explorer, what can I do with a bunch of thin rowan boards and bronze ingots? My craft does not (at least currently) allow me to make anything with them. Do I just hold onto them til the next stage, or can an npc craft them for me? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/rivendell111
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    Hunter Off Hand LI - 1A or 3A suffice?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 07:24 AM PST

    As the title says. I've imbued my 1A Bow for my 104 Elf Hunter with the legacies I want and now need to think about doing the same with my Off Hand. I currently have 2 3A weapons 1x Sword, 1x Dagger both sat at level 60 at the moment.

    Is it critical for me to get a 1A O/H or will one of these two do, given most of my damage is done at range.

    submitted by /u/daleyboy1234
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