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    Lord of the Rings Online | Praise for Legacy of Durin story

    Lord of the Rings Online | Praise for Legacy of Durin story

    Praise for Legacy of Durin story

    Posted: 16 Nov 2021 08:24 PM PST

    Most of the fan and critical reactions I've seen to the Legacy of Durin story have been unenthusiastic. One example: https://massivelyop.com/2021/10/02/lotro-legendarium-fate-of-gundabad-is-shaping-up-to-be-the-full-expansion-that-lotro-needs. I don't mean to single out Justin Olivetti, who has generally done very good commentary on LOTRO and SSG, but I think he's probably correct when he says that the general reaction to the story has been lukewarm. I haven't seen too much outright hatred of it, but by and large the response has seemed pretty "meh".

    So with that in mind I want to make a post praising what I think really worked.

    To be clear, yes, the following will have spoilers for the epic quest in Fate of Gundabad. Please stop reading now if you're bothered by that.

    I would probably agree that the first half of the plot isn't that amazing. Dwarves fighting orcs in an underground city isn't immediately attention-grabbing, not least because we've done all this before with the Iron Garrison in Moria. It's not bad or anything, but it's not particularly exciting either.

    But where it kicks into high gear and starts to be involving is when you meet MĆ³tsog.

    Some people might find the exposition dump in the tomb a bit much, but I loved it and I felt it gave the story the emotional stakes and the historical context that it so desperately needed. Without that context the story might feel a bit arbitrary. Why are we attacking Gundabad again? These orcs didn't do anything to us, and it's starting to feel a bit genocidal? These feuding dwarf clans don't hook into the wider world all that well, so it's a bit of a side-show?

    But taking the hour or so to learn the true history of MĆ³tsog the Traitor, his connection with Durin, and the history of Gundabad in the First Age allows us to put those pieces together, understand HrĆ­mil's grudge, and for that matter understand Durin's actions as well. What is he reclaiming here? What does this place mean to the dwarves?

    The full history lets us see this as more than just a feud over who will hold one particular mountain, but as the conclusion to a story that goes back millennia, where a betrayal and a broken friendship between the Father of Dwarves and his most trusted ally created rifts of paranoia and fear between dwarf clans for eras to come, which can only be healed by the restoration of both the personal relationship between those two ancient dwarves and the sundered clans of the dwarven people.

    Plus it has some excellent lines in it. One that stayed with me was:

    I swear to fight for you, my friend of old, my king, for as long as I am able. I will deliver to you control of the kingdom I once stole, and if the last rays of the sun vanish behind the mountain before I seize your victory, I will perish with sorrow in my heart, and none before or since will know such grief as I know in my failure.

    That's powerful.

    And beyond that, ultimately...

    The reason I continue to play LOTRO, the reason why I find this game special, is because it feels like it's usually trying as hard as it can to be true to the spirit of Tolkien and his writing. There are sometimes flaws - sometimes I feel it departs from that spirit, sometimes the writing could be improved (sorry, SSG, I love you, but you're not J. R. R. Tolkien) - but as long as it's trying, I am willing to forgive many rough edges. The conclusion to the Black Book plotline in Minas Morgul, for instance, really hit these notes for me. It was not Tolkien's own story, but it felt like the sort of thing he would approve of, dealing with similar themes while trying to be true to the themes and values of Tolkien's word. Other highlights for me were the Horn and Nona plot through Rohan and the final third or so of the Shadows of Angmar plot. And here... I feel like it found that spirit again, with themes of history, betrayal, mercy, and the healing of old wounds and a restored brotherhood. It even touched on the fundamental wistfulness that pervades so much of Tolkien's writing.

    So I wanted to say: good job, SSG. I admit I didn't have incredibly high hopes at the start of Gundabad, but you drew me in and told a story about Durin and his descendants that I really enjoyed. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/UAnchovy
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    LOTR Journeys in Middle-earth Board Game, is it worth it?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2021 04:48 AM PST

    2 Great Views From the Same Hill Top

    Posted: 16 Nov 2021 09:54 AM PST

    Gonz's Car Bronach Explorer's Guide

    Posted: 16 Nov 2021 11:16 AM PST

    best way to play linux lotro?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2021 10:50 PM PST

    I see like 5 different ways to install lotro lol or more. here's the 3 main ones. which is best for a great pc?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Jex_adox
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    OCX Kinships?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2021 09:04 PM PST

    Returning player here, slowly getting used to the game again. Finding hard to find groups (I like soloing but enjoy groups more) Looking for some Kinships with active players on OCX times, NZ/Aus.

    Thanks all.

    submitted by /u/Llobobr
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    [SSG Dev Blog] Making the World: Fate of Gundabad

    Posted: 16 Nov 2021 12:09 PM PST

    LOTRO login problems 11/16/2021...?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2021 04:10 PM PST

    Is anyone else having login problems today? I'm getting a "technical difficulties" error when trying to log in on the website. Just curious. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Ensign_Garak
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    The forsaken office

    Posted: 16 Nov 2021 01:32 PM PST

    Brawler Talents

    Posted: 16 Nov 2021 11:20 PM PST

    My Brawler is currently level 30, however I was kind of bewildered at Red Lines opening talent choices. We have Dexterous Hook Training and Set-Up Attack Damage. Both of which appear do the exact same thing, however Set-Up buffs all of them, and Dexterous only buffs the one skill. And what makes it even stranger to me, is the summary for them describes Dexterous as being more 'potent', while the other just simply says Set Up does more damage.

    I guess my question is; am I reading too much into this? It just seems weird to me they'd have them do the exact same thing. Does potent mean you're putting all your eggs into one basket and Dex Hook gets a huge damage increase? Or did they release it with two talents, augmenting the same thing, except one of them is simply 100 times worse in every way. I'm very sorry if this is a stupid question. I'm just so confused on the choices made here. Particularly in the wording of the skills.

    My confusion is fueled as well by the fact it seems everyone is favoring the Dex Hook talent over Set-Up Attack Damage.

    submitted by /u/malignantthanhermate
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    Any Landroval players on here?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2021 07:23 AM PST

    I just started playing again for the first time in like, 10 years. And it'd be cool to have some people to play/trade/chat with.

    submitted by /u/RollingBonesTavern
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    A new start

    Posted: 16 Nov 2021 03:06 PM PST

    Hey everyone, I just started a new character after trying to get in the game, i have played like 4-5 years but i was not really that active. Today i just started a new character with a more RP style, but i am just (i think) good enough to play in the actual roleplay server yet, so i am playing on Evernight EU, with a Dwarf champion from the Iron Hills. Can you guys give me some good tips how can i make actual progression, beside doing the main questline? Thank you very mich for the amswers!

    submitted by /u/tottoszsolt
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    Looking for kinship on Brandywine

    Posted: 16 Nov 2021 12:15 PM PST

    The kinship I was in for 1.5 years has disbanded. Looking forward a friendly kinship that is social, helpful, and active. Me and my wife play weekly(sometimes daily) and would love a friendly group to join in with.

    submitted by /u/Such-Contribution939
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    Lagg as hell

    Posted: 16 Nov 2021 12:10 PM PST

    are they gonna fix the lagg idk if u guys got the same problem but after the last update i'm lagging as hell unable to play if i aggro group of mobs the game star lagging

    submitted by /u/Farm-Suitable
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    Game crashes at the same time every day?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2021 05:46 AM PST


    The game crashes at the same time every day. Guessing it's a Windows problem - any idea what logs I should be looking at?

    EDIT: From Event VIewer -

    Faulting application name: lotroclient.exe, version: 3100.64.6734.4153, time stamp: 0x6189b919 Faulting module name: MSVCR80.dll, version: 8.0.50727.9672, time stamp: 0x5db2b1b8 Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x0001500a Faulting process id: 0x2bd0 Faulting application start time: 0x01d7dae387bb7ad2 Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\StandingStoneGames\The Lord of the Rings Online\lotroclient.exe Faulting module path: C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.9672_none_d08f9da24428a513\MSVCR80.dll Report Id: cb06de80-7302-436e-b6d8-95f2d6473dc7 Faulting package full name: Faulting package-relative application ID:

    EDIT 2: Seeing that MSVCR80.dll is related to Microsoft VIsual C++, I took a snap, uninstalled all my VS C++ versions I had (2005, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015) unless "repair" was an option. Rebooted. Game comes up, so I guess I'll find out tomorrow morning. Interestingly, the game waited until my second play to reinstall 2005... and only the x86 version this time.

    submitted by /u/beam_me_up2022
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    giving lotro points as a gift

    Posted: 16 Nov 2021 11:38 AM PST

    I have some in game friends that I'd like to gift some lotro points, how can I do this? I can't find a place in the store to purchase points cards. Is there any other way to do this?

    submitted by /u/MaximumGrip
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    Exodia - Recruitment (Arkenstone)

    Posted: 16 Nov 2021 12:40 PM PST

    Game crashes after Gandalf's speech?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2021 10:08 AM PST

    My friends have been getting back into Lotro again, and I'm trying to join them, but I can't get past the opening intro after Gandalf gives us the exposition. As soon as the cutscene closes, the game crashes. I've read online that college wi-fi sometimes messes with the games, but I feel like that issue wouldn't let me get that far.

    All the help I've read so far is at least 3 years old, so I'm wondering if there are any modern fixes you all have. I appreciate any and all help!

    submitted by /u/Rytonic
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