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    Tuesday, October 5, 2021

    Lord of the Rings Online | Welcome to the Water-Works.

    Lord of the Rings Online | Welcome to the Water-Works.

    Welcome to the Water-Works.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 01:52 PM PDT

    Ran Great Barrows for the first time, thank you to the members in that fellowship

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 07:58 PM PDT

    New to the game on Crickhollow and I came to the entrance of the great barrows by seeing a quest marker and before I knew it I was in a group to run the barrows. We did all 3 parts and it was awesome!! This game amazes me by the way it makes every part of Middle Earth feel alive. Thanks SSG!!

    submitted by /u/DarkStarCrashes71
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    How old is everyone?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 11:41 AM PDT

    So basically I started playing about a month ago and I love it! I have noticed though that most players seem to be on the older side as many are very mature and some mention spouses and kids which is something I don't usually see in mmo's. So im curious how old everyone is and when they started. I myself am 18. :))

    submitted by /u/Ludiena
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    Finally got my partner to play LotRO again and now I am looking for a good class duo

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 11:26 PM PDT

    Greetings all,

    It feels so great to breath the fresh air of middle earth again. After a 9 year long hiatus, I was able to convince my partner to play LotRO again. You cannot believe my excitement! *-*

    So now, I am trying to figure out which class duo is best. My partner wants to play Rune-keeper, mostly the damage part and I am looking for a class that fits well with.
    But first a little insight how we play:

    1) We only play casual. No min maxing necessary, we won't see higher difficulty content.
    2) We just love to explore, do all quests and deeds, see every dungeon once, maybe even raids if comes to it
    3) In the past we played a red Lore-master (him) and a blue Captain (me). We pulled whole camps for deeding, so a class with good AoE capabilities would be good.
    4) I prefer more complex classes over simplistic ones.

    So, I was thinking of a defensive class that can take on the tank role in group content and take aggro off of him when we are mass deeding. Guardian and Captain come to mind, maybe even Warden.

    I played Captain before, so choosing it again is somehow less exciting as I know their mechanics (it's been a long time though). Nonetheless the Captain is awesome, the off healing would also come in handy. I love support roles, so that would fit very good to my playstyle. How is AoE as yellow (and red) Captain?

    Guardian. I do like the sword and board play style. I don't know that much about Guardian otherwise though. It is shown as easy difficulty in character creation though. Will I get bored playing Guardian? I heard that Guardian revolves mainly around parrying and blocking which unlocks additional abilities that respond to a block/parry, is that correct? How are it's AoE capabilities?

    Warden. I love the complexity of the class, at least I think I would greatly enjoy that aspect. But I heard that the tanking part is broken and that warden is only considered a great dps. How relevant is it with a casual play style? Is taking threat off of fellowship members working properly?
    A bonus: I could choose a Hobbit! I could do that as Guardian as well but Hobbits and heavy armor feel just wrong to me.

    Champion and Beorning are not an option, I find them both rather dull gameplay wise.

    One additional question: We usually play as premium players without sub, but would consider subbing once (again) for a month to unlock all swift travels (and get all the class related trait slots permanently unlocked). But I saw conflicting notes if the swift travels unlock also for travel routes we haven't discovered yet.
    The lotro wiki states "Characters of Premium players who downgraded from VIP keep access to all swift travel routes, even travel routes that character did not unlock while VIP (contradicting official information, which states only unlocked travel routes are maintained)." Source: https://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Account_Types
    Does anyone know how this works?

    This has gotten into quite a wall of text. Thank you for taking your time to read through all of it! If you even have an answer all the better! :)


    submitted by /u/Leyaa1
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    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 12:12 AM PDT

    Guys i need help. Is there any way to get out of here.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 11:47 AM PDT

    Are there any future plans of old LOTRO getting more graphical enhancements?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 10:14 PM PDT

    Like better graphics? Or is the game engine at its maximum?

    Thank you for reading and hopefully answering. :)

    submitted by /u/antdude
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    Is this game more solo or group focused?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 11:29 PM PDT

    I've never played the game, really burnt out on all the big MMOs. I'm looking for something more old-school, which involves talking to people every once in awhile and forming groups for content the old fashioned way, but I've also heard this game is very story-focused and can be soloed for a lot of it.

    So I'm just wondering, can I expect to be doing quests solo for a long time, or can I expect to be able to regularly find groups for questing and to run dungeons and what not? I don't really want another MMO that's mostly just leveling solo without ever needing to talk to anyone else.

    submitted by /u/ThisGuyHyucks
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    Worth getting into now?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 07:42 AM PDT

    So I've been wanting to scratch my MMO itch. Last I played was Runescape 3 and I enjoyed the hell out of it. However, immersion in RS3 is hard due to the camera etc even though I like a lot of things about it. LOTRO came to mind and I've already purchased stuff back in 2013 for it (still have the account). I'm gonna be downloading it now but my questions are:

    Is the game still alive?

    Is it newbie friendly?

    Are there solo stuff to do?

    Is it (very) similar to WoW or a lot of different mechanics/stuff?

    Are there newbie friendly-guilds that are well-populated?

    submitted by /u/critter2121221
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    A bit lost need some help , leveling wise.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 01:46 PM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    I'm a bit lost where to level currently and what to look for since im a bit lost. I'm level 17 burglar hobbit and im in Bree, the epic quest im following is at level 19 and inside the Dark Forest. I did a bunch of quests around Bree, that got me originally up to 17, but everything else i see is above me and im a bit struggling around to find where i should head to get to at least level 18 before i continue with the main epic ones, since they will keep outleveling me if i keep at this pace.

    I know most people struggle with behing higher level, but i somehow started to struggle being too low level and i really try to complete as much side quests as i can handle around me.

    Sorry for this stupid request, but please help!

    submitted by /u/KingstonWD
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    Someone from brazil who wants to play?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 01:20 PM PDT

    Confused returning player. Please help!

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 09:26 PM PDT

    Hey gang. I'm hoping for some advice. Just getting back into this after quite a few years off, and I'm lost with regards to quest packs and expansions. I'm lvl 85, with previous purchases of all expansions up to Riders of Rohan. I want to continue on into West Rohan. There is the Expansion Trove for $60, but I don't need 4 of the 6 included expansions. I see Morder is 99 TP in the store right now, but can't find Helms Deep anywhere but the Trove. Am I doing something wrong? If I get the upcoming Gundabad expansion, will it include all previous? Should I just buy Mordor and a month of VIP, and rip through to lvl 105? This all seems so counter-intuitive.

    submitted by /u/bhick78
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    quick guide to f2p´s

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 09:09 AM PDT

    Im asking for a guide, a tutorial, etc for new players.

    submitted by /u/Us_25
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    Looking for lvl 100+ region thoughts/advice

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 08:23 AM PDT

    Been playing for several years but have never been to the higher levels (100+) until now and looking for some advice on where to go. Mostly just doing solo, landscape content. I'm a bit of a completionist - if I start questing in a region I like to finish all the landscape quests if I can for the story and deeds, but if it's just grinding for raid gear I'll skip it.

    Just finished Far Anorien region (which sucks btw) and the battle of Pelennor and find myself at level 110. I understand Mordor starts around 105 and Dale around 115. Any recommendation for where to go next? Should I do the quests in the "After Battle" areas? Head to Ithilien or Mordor right away? Should I head right to Dale at 115? Just wondering what people think are the most fun/rewarding areas around these levels?

    submitted by /u/brasswirebrush
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    Leveling Plan

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 07:52 PM PDT

    So, I just came back and I'm interested in leveling a high elf champion to 130 as quickly, and as efficiently, as possible. Most of the guides I've found on YouTube and stuff have basic hints like use XP boosts and stuff. Are there any experienced power levelers that can give me an A to Z plan to get from lol 0 to endgame?

    submitted by /u/Khajiit_Has_Skills
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    Need help with stat priority for red lore-master

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 10:19 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    the internet has not been kind to me finding information about the stat priority for red lore-master.

    Yes I know, only yellow is wanted etc. I have gear and stats for yellow. For fun and landscape I want to play red through and I can't figure out if crit for example is more important than tactical mastery etc.

    If it helps I am level 50 and playing on a legendary server. Crit is at 21% and tactical mastery at 188%. I could drop crit further and gain more tactical but I would need to know what the thresholds are when one is better than the other. Also how important is finesse if I want to do dungeons in red? Am at 25%.

    Can anyone help with this? Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/throwaway129548
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    Looking for kinship.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 07:19 AM PDT

    I'm very new to this game, been playing here and there for about two weeks. I'm running a guardian on Gladden and loving the way my character plays.

    Not so much when it comes to me being lost 90% of the time and not being able to chat (I'm f2p), kinda sucks. Looking for a kinship or maybe even just some people to play with day to day. I don't really understand how the instances work, I've been questing primarily. But I'm up for anything, I rolled a tank on purpose lol.

    Kuhthulugorn on Gladden.

    submitted by /u/hairlesspet3
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    Will there be another test round on Bullroarer this week?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 06:41 AM PDT

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