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    Sunday, October 24, 2021

    Lord of the Rings Online | As much as I love the epicness of the High Elf intro; I adore Gil-Galad's derp face :D

    Lord of the Rings Online | As much as I love the epicness of the High Elf intro; I adore Gil-Galad's derp face :D

    As much as I love the epicness of the High Elf intro; I adore Gil-Galad's derp face :D

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    I really want to buy the Xpac

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 10:43 PM PDT

    Ive barely played past 20, but i do want to support the game and play the new brawler class, and use that boost to 130. I have the time to go back and do the quests and such, but i want to also play something that could get a decent que time.

    Figured at least i can que and play with other people than sit idle in que as a lower level.

    How really difficult would be for me to learn thing?

    submitted by /u/Imhere_forDrama
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    New Player looking for a Kinship

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 02:31 PM PDT

    Hiya all. I am fairly new to the game. I have dabbled a bit, but never delved deep into it. I am on the Landroval server and looking for a kinship that does all the different types of content. Thank you and hope to see you in game. :)

    submitted by /u/Nebrines_Stormblade
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    Returning player, confused about server transfer.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 04:58 PM PDT

    I am a returning player, and my client allows me to transfer away my characters from the now nonexisting servers to the current servers.

    However, I am European and there seems to be no European choice to transfer to? Am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/Adall
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    Newish player looking for advice.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 05:19 PM PDT

    Hello everybody!

    I used to play LOTRO a long time ago before Moria came out but haven't touched anything since then. The game has certainly changed a lot since then and is almost overwhelming. I'm looking for some advice regarding server selection and RP.

    1) I've seen talk of progression servers (like Treebeard) and the retail servers. For someone who has yet to even see anything passed Moria, what would you recommend?

    2) How active is the RP community? Back in the day, I remember it being pretty bustling but assume it has dwindled a bit.

    submitted by /u/BeardoNextToYou
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    A homage and conflicted feelings

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 08:55 AM PDT

    I started playing LOTRO back in (I think) 2008, before the launch of Moria, and I was instantly entranced. I'd never played an MMO before (and never have seriously gotten into another since). I loved the epic storytelling, the interesting playstyles, the mix of being able to do solo and group activity. I got a lifetime membership. My main character was a captain, but I also had a minstrel, a warden, a hunter and a burglar. I played up until about 2014 (after the release of Helm's Deep), when I found IRL pressures meant I had to give up LOTRO.

    Fast forward to a couple of months ago, and I'm rereading The Hobbit and LOTR for the first time in years. It's a comfort read, it makes me feel warm and happy inside, and I can't help but think of the landscapes of LOTRO and how brilliantly it had brought the books to life. This game has really taken root deep in my head, after all these years - the world, the stories, the friendships, the adventures. It's a special thing.

    I thought, I wonder what Gondor and the lands beyond are like? I don't really have time for this game in my life, still. But nevertheless. I redownloaded. I logged in. All my characters are on a now-defunct server, so I had to start again. I rolled a Rune-keeper, as I'd never played one before. I entered the world with that familiar rush - the vastness! The scale! The possibilities!

    However. After playing for a bit (level 28 now), I'm feeling a little let down. I don't come across many other people out questing. Attack some creatures, mash a few red skills until they're dead, repeat. Occasionally throw in a healing spell, but it's very rarely necessary. The world is still epic, but having played through Eriador several times now, I don't get the thrill of the new so much.

    What am I missing? Will it become more challenging? Maybe RK isn't for me? Do I have to reach level cap to start being able to play group content? Do I need to find a kinship with lower level characters to play with (I'm on Evernight, btw)? What do you think, friends?

    submitted by /u/Breafled
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    [Crickhollow] Classical and Film Music November 6th

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 06:41 AM PDT

    How to get two AoV 130

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 08:07 AM PDT

    I had originally purchased the middle tier of the expansion pack, but recently upgraded to the legendary edition. To my surprise I got a second AoV. Heads up if someone wants to get the legendary, buy middle then upgrade.

    submitted by /u/Risrat
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    Which VIP Features do i keep after one month?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 07:59 AM PDT

    So i read that bag in the day, when buying one month vip, even after it expired, you still got to keep unlocked inventory space, and abilities slots. Is this still true for today?

    submitted by /u/Noghr1
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    130 Burg LF kin on Arkenstone

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 05:35 AM PDT

    I didn't see any recruitment post so thought I'd try my luck making one, apologies if this sort of thing is frowned upon.

    I've been 130 for a few weeks now (just came back to the game), and I'm struggling to find a kin to play with on Ark. I've been spamming world, posting in the discord, and checking forums to no luck, so I'm hoping for a bit of Reddit magic.

    I am a former raider from SoA and Moria, but left when the kin I was in dissolved. I've been raiding in various games since, but mostly have been in mythic wow guilds. I'm willing to show parses/logs to those interested to prove I'm not an awful player and have been a hardcore raider for multiple decades at this point. That said, I'm not a rager, and I don't buy into the elitist culture that often surrounds raiders.

    I'm looking for a kin that is active and doing endgame content. Doesn't have to be pushing for world 1st or anything, just actually running relevant raids. Would be awesome if there were a PvMP presence in the kin as well.

    I work from home, so I'm active pretty much all the time apart from 5-8pm EST (family time). Ideally looking for a group that plays 8:30-12pm EST or thereabouts, but I'm open to midday raids as well.

    Best place to reach me is Discord: Tykho#7970. My in-game name is Vigz, otherwise.

    Thanks for looking!

    submitted by /u/Avastz
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