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    Friday, November 13, 2020

    Lord of the Rings Online | Battle of the Morannon

    Lord of the Rings Online | Battle of the Morannon

    Battle of the Morannon

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 02:23 PM PST

    Any fixes to the game opening up on the wrong monitor?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 01:52 AM PST

    Every time I launch the game, it opens up on my second monitor and every time I try to Fullscreen it, even if I go windowed mode, send it to my main monitor and Fullscreen it again, it returns to my second monitor.

    The only fix I found was to disconnect my HDMI cable, but it's a bit annoying to do that every time I open it up, so any suggestions would be great.

    submitted by /u/Laudrian
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    So i got this insane quest in north downs

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 11:47 AM PST

    I been questing in fornost fields and got a two quests. One to disable green fume idols, whicjbwas easy and then to kill some ghost named orlonoth or something. The dude immedietly summons two adds and destroys me with very high damage. Its a solo quest. Any idea why its so hard and how can i handle it? Doesn't seem like i can get other quests before i beat that ghost

    submitted by /u/Yura-Sensei
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    Beorning raid Evernight 9-11

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 05:39 AM PST

    Organised by Beorny on Evernight the bears decided to venture out into the Ettenmoors with full force of around 30 orso Beornings.


    submitted by /u/squirle123
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    I keep getting this error when I try to update the game. Does anyone know how I can fix this?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 07:51 AM PST

    Questions on housing storage, shared housing storage, and kinship housing/shared storage

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 08:03 AM PST

    Hello, all. I have on my account a standard house, a premium house (Rohan), and a premium kinship house (Belfalas). I am trying to wrap my head around how all the different storages work. This is what I think I know:

    • In the standard house there is only 1 type of storage, labeled 'Housing Storage'
    • In the premium house there are both 'House Storage' and 'Shared Housing Storage'
      • 'House Storage' here is not the same as the 'Housing Storage' in the standard house and is unique to this house
      • If I get another premium house, its 'House Storage' will be unique to that house
      • 'Shared House Storage' here is the same space as the 'Housing Storage' in the standard house
    • In the premium kin house there are both 'House Storage' and 'Shared Housing Storage'
      • Neither of these are the same as either storage option in the standard or premium house
      • Both of these are unique to this kin house (?)

    I'm sure SSG could have made it a little more confusing if they tried, but there is a pandemic on, so maybe they did not have the time. :P

    Anyway. My first question is, do I have all of the above correct?

    I'm not sure about the shared housing storage in the premium kin house as I'm not sure what it could be shared with. If other characters on the same account are in a different kin with a house, is is shared there? Hardly seems like that would be right since it would allow one kin's members to "borrow" from the other.

    My other question is on the kinship storage permissions. If someone has permission to use storage, does that give full permission to both shared and house? If so, is there any way to fine-tune permissions beyond that?

    Thanks for any information you can provide to a slightly confused player. :)

    submitted by /u/tanek_09
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    How to invest in lotro

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 09:31 AM PST

    How should I invest in lotro to spend as littla as possible, but to not need to grind for lotro points? And is it worth to invest in lotro? It's a really old game and I heard there's a new lotr mmorpg coming from amazon.

    submitted by /u/kovhe
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    Lotro Champion Playthrough Trollshaws S:6 E:5

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 03:00 PM PST

    Beornings in 2020

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 04:06 AM PST

    Hi there! Just wanted to know how are beornings faring in 2020. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Sweet_Revolution10
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    HELP! Lost an old character?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 05:07 AM PST


    I was in the mood to coming back to LOTRO now. I have been a lifetime member since 2011 and last time I played was around 2015 sometime. I remember that I had mulitple characters, and my main was around lvl 60-65. Now when I'm trying to login my characters are gone.

    Is there a way to get my characters back or are they gone forever? I seriously don't have the energy to start again from level 1.

    submitted by /u/Glasharry
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    What questpacks to purchase for 95 - 105 and related questions

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 02:54 AM PST

    I missed the free questpack thing earlier this year, and will be approaching level 95 soon.

    I know this question has been asked before, and what I can surmise from those answers is:

    Western Gondor (95-100) - For full story

    Central Gondor (100) - Unlocks 4 trait points

    Eastern Gondor (100) - Unlocks 1 trait point & 3 instances

    Old Anorien (100) - Unlocks 2 trait points

    Far Anorien (100-105) - 4 instances

    The March of the King (105) - ?

    Battle of the black gate (105) - ?

    So with this I have a few remaining questions:

    - for leveling, it seems you'd want western Gondor and far Anorien. However, most people seem to recommend central Gondor and old Anorien for the trait points. How will that work with leveling? Is it feasable to use the content of these two lvl 100 packs to get from 95 to 105?

    - I've gotten the impression Dol Amroth is a good place for rep barters and gear and the like, are those still accessible without the western Gondor pack? if not, are the gear/LI items they barter worth getting the pack for?

    - In a similar vein, what is the recommended gear to enter Mordor with? And is that gear locked behind one of these packs?

    - What do the march of the king and the black gate offer compared to the rest?

    Would love to hear some expert opinion on these questions.

    submitted by /u/BvSamBeer
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    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 07:07 AM PST

    What expansion should i buy next if i redeemed the coupon and bought the offers in the store a few months ago?

    submitted by /u/alumbradoss
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    Long lost quest packs #6 Black book of Karazgar

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 05:36 AM PST

    Part 6 of long lost questpacks looks at the last few areas before Minas Morgul you might have passed.

    submitted by /u/squirle123
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    Help with eyesight problems in LOTRO

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 03:47 AM PST

    Hi I have started playing LOTRO, and I'm struggling with the UI quite a lot. I have poor eyesight, and usually get round this in other games by making things in the UI bigger. However I'm finding this really difficult in LOTRO. I have made bigger all the things I can in the UI settings, but inventory is a real problem. I cannot find any way of making the inventory bags bigger. Is there a plug in I can use to help with this? I'm loving the game otherwise but won't be able to continue playing with this issue sadly. I am using a magnifiying glass with my screen to see my inventory and it feels ridiculous.

    submitted by /u/Loreleiz
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