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    Tuesday, May 19, 2020

    Lord of the Rings Online | Rainy Southern Barrow-downs

    Lord of the Rings Online | Rainy Southern Barrow-downs

    Rainy Southern Barrow-downs

    Posted: 18 May 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    looking at Beorning first age gear on the AH like

    Posted: 18 May 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    Southern Mirkwood. Part of what was formerly called “Greenwood the Great”.

    Posted: 18 May 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    Dusk in Forochel

    Posted: 18 May 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    "For the moment there was no whispering or movement among the branches; but they all got an uncomfortable feeling that they were being watched with disapproval, deepening to dislike and even enmity."

    Posted: 18 May 2020 05:43 AM PDT

    first time in the Iron Hills and it gets the chef's kiss

    Posted: 18 May 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    Gloaming in Beorning-lands

    Posted: 18 May 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    No horses in the house!!

    Posted: 18 May 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    What are the legendary servers like now?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 09:45 PM PDT

    I haven't played Lotro very much since about 2012 or 2013. I recently tried to play live servers and it just felt pretty empty, and the gameplay felt clunky, especially the whole mounted combat system. I've heard the legendary servers are a step up in quality- personally I certainly enjoyed the game back when the level cap was 60 or so. Can anyone give me a rundown of the ups and downs of the legendary servers? I would be starting from scratch and just want to know how the community is, thanks all!

    submitted by /u/chicken12311231
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    Crickhollow's Shirefest 2020 Line-up. 3 Days, 28 Bands, over 33 Hours of Music.

    Posted: 18 May 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Lotr the return of the king behind the scenes.. amazing

    Posted: 18 May 2020 11:24 PM PDT

    Collector's edition left behind

    Posted: 18 May 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    A friend of mine recently passed away and left behind a whole heal of gaming stuff and the family has asked me to look into what to do with them.

    Among them is a the Collector's Edition box of LOTRO. It has the map, the ring, the kit. I'm just not sure if the original discs are at all worth anything considering everything has moved online.

    Just wondering if you guys had any advice on what to do with it.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/SeriousNik
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    [Evernight] Any kinships that teach Remmo?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    I've reached end game for the first time and from my understanding in order to join Remmo pugs you should first learn tactics with your kinship. I've contacted a couple of kinships so far and none of them ran it. Does anyone know any that teach? Or at least any that would be willing to suffer me in one (1) full run, I can read up on some guides beforehand and learn the rest from observing on the go. My last resort is to fake it till I make it in LFF but being a burden to experienced players doesn't sound too good to be honest.

    submitted by /u/a-elbereth
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    Returning player - wondering about DPS on my first age Legendary weapons

    Posted: 18 May 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    Returning player - wondering about DPS on my first age Legendary weapons

    I'm a level 125 Warden - and both my first age Legendaries have around 1000 DPS. I have been picking up trash weapons lately with around 1600 DPS with a min level of 125. What do?


    submitted by /u/kortcomponent
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    No quest packs available in LOTRO Store for points?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    Hello, newbie here enjoying the game so far. I have 3 alts, 3 classes I am trying. I have been grinding deeds for Lotro points on all while checking out the scenery. Levels 16,12,9 so far. I was looking forward to getting a few packs to get me to lvl 50, so if I want to continue on I can just buy that expansion bundle (Mines of Moria etc) for $30. However, when I go to the LOTRO Store to see what quest packs are available, it has been showing "None". I thought many were available for like 595 to 795 LP's?

    submitted by /u/doctorofgood
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    Looking for Kinship on Evernight

    Posted: 18 May 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    Hey. Long time lotro player here (from the release of SoA) returning for Minas Morgul. I just reached lvl cap with my minstrel and I'm looking for a friendly and active kinship (EU timezone) in need of an healer to experience the end game content non just for the loot but mainly for the fun.

    submitted by /u/Masteraleksej
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    How are the Legendary Servers in 2020?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    I'm thinking of finally playing LOTRO, but I'm not too fond of being behind ALL the content. So I'm thinking of playing in a Legendary server instead. I do not mind the sub. My main concerns right now are:

    1.) How big is the community in the Legendary Lotro servers?

    -I wanna meet people in the openworld. Group up with them and generally interact.

    2.)I've heard the cap is already raised to 75. Am I already behind?

    -I do not want to be behind and not find any people to do dungeons with.

    3.)Lastly and a bit of a small concern. Is there RP going on in the legendary servers?

    - I don't want to RP myself, but I do enjoy seeing people RP. It makes the game feel more alive and lived in perse.

    submitted by /u/YeOldeTreeStump
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    Captain Healing

    Posted: 18 May 2020 02:51 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I've recently started my journey as a High Elf captain and I was wondering about the amount of self healing that can be done in blue line. I can see that at my current level (26) there are two heal abilities that apply to the fellowship and myself, one is the HoT you start out with, and the other is the blue line specific skill earned when picking the tree (an attack and fellowship HoT).

    Do you get any more self heals as a captain?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/IChristoI
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    If i started account on steam can i buy the four expansion pack on LOTRO market?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    As title says are steama ccoutns compatible with the LOTRO market on the website?

    submitted by /u/XxSacroxX
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    Big dilemma with my rk

    Posted: 18 May 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    Since update u26, it seems lightning is the way to go for DPS. I have a fire rk and, of course, the legacies of my LI are mainly using "fire".

    So, what can I do with my LI?

    Create a new LI, which will be a very long road? Finding the right legacies, leveling other LI to level 35 to get the legacy scrolls, grinding Anfalas Crystals, ...

    Or try to get some legacy replacement scrolls (reward from some quests) to change "fire" legacies to "lightning" one?

    Until another update switch the DPS line again. For me, red line should always be the DPS line. Yellow is for survivability. So, I suppose Turbine will "correct" it one day.

    Thanks for your help.

    submitted by /u/olilo
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