• Breaking News

    Thursday, May 7, 2020

    Lord of the Rings Online | Morilindendil, my character during the Last Alliance by Bellagergolts.

    Lord of the Rings Online | Morilindendil, my character during the Last Alliance by Bellagergolts.

    Morilindendil, my character during the Last Alliance by Bellagergolts.

    Posted: 06 May 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    The view of the valley, near the Gates of Imladris. The Misty Mountains in the back

    Posted: 06 May 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    Interior of Meduseld

    Posted: 06 May 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    What are the best ways to reach out and get involved??

    Posted: 06 May 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    I started LOTRO with a couple of irl friends back in 2011... and now, I've returned without them and am feeling like quite the lone-ranger.

    So! How do I get my foot in the door? (I'm a lvl 42 Hunter on Landroval, if relevant)

    Ultimately, I'd like to join a kinship and make some friends, but atm I'm not even really sure where to go to find a fellowship for instances. I don't fully understand the social panels or any chat courtesies. Where would be a good place to start?

    Thanks guys :)

    submitted by /u/gwendash
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    Broken LOTRO Market

    Posted: 07 May 2020 12:14 AM PDT

    Hello to all LOTRO redditors again!

    I bought Minas Morgul expansion yesterday. Until now 30+ hours have passed and still they didn't send me the code. What can i do?

    P. S. we are talking about real money here :/

    submitted by /u/Mackgyver94
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    Considering returning to Lotro, need advice :)

    Posted: 06 May 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I first started playing lotro in first or second grade when Moria came out, and played on and off again. I stopped playing on the lotro classic server about a year ago, but I want to return to the live game. Is the game worth playing now though? What's the population like on the largest server and whatnot? I'm NA btw. I want to start playing Warden again because it was SO much fun and there's not a newer mmo out rn that's as fun and nostalgiac as lotro tbh. Also how are the raids and pvp? Thanks in advance :D

    submitted by /u/Toborian
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    Best activities while just passing through the Shire?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    (TL;DR: What Shire activities/sights should Tolkien fans take in while actively travelling from Ered Luin to Bree-Land?)

    Hi all!

    Two buddies and I have started Friday night LOTRO sessions as a way to keep in touch during quarantine. We've rolled an all Elf party, and after three sessions have just concluded the Ered Luin content.

    So, now it's on to Bree-Land!

    We're all big Tolkien fans, but I'm the only one who's played any LOTRO before. As such, we're planning on road-tripping it through the Shire so they don't totally miss out on at least laying eyes on the iconic setting.

    I have some ideas (Bag-End and Party Tree, the Green Dragon, and Farmer Maggot's Farm are all on the list so far. Maybe we'll do a pub crawl if they want to spend more time?), but I was hoping the community might be able to provide some insight or advice on some ways to provide a good taste of the Shire while keeping the momentum moving towards Bree-Land.

    Thanks so much in advance!

    submitted by /u/FunkNugget
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    Posted: 06 May 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    In the early days I crafted my own bows for my hunter up to the black ash lvl 45 bow. I've now got my first LI, which massively outranks DPS now. is there any point in me crafting any more now apart from the occasional item for the woodworkers guild (if that is even worth crafting for?)

    submitted by /u/daleyboy1234
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    Looking for a music-based RP kin

    Posted: 06 May 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    Hey guys, my in game name is Empo, I'm playing a hobbit ministrel on Landrovwl. IRL I'm a classical guitarist studying my Bachelor's in Classical Guitar Performance. I just returned to the game a couple days ago because I remembered how good the music system in game was. I quickly fell in love with it, and want to see what more I can get from it. I've already made several arrangements of Mozart, Chopin, Bach, Piazzolla and etc. I've also arranged many of music I composed in the past.

    submitted by /u/Supergraham339
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    Can't update the game.

    Posted: 06 May 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    I'm trying to get back in for the Anniversary event (what's left of it), but I can't update the game because it just says it's getting an unknown error at some point during the process. I've restarted it multiple times, restarted my computer, everything I can do besides completely uninstalling and reinstalling the game. Is that the only thing I can do at this point?

    submitted by /u/ODST_Parker
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    New player, just wondering if the game is still worth getting into

    Posted: 06 May 2020 04:32 AM PDT

    Title. I'm just afraid I'll get too invested and it will shut down or something, looking for some inside info from players. How's the population looking in general? I remember playing for a few hours as a kid and I really enjoyed it, thinking about giving it another shot. Also, are there any communities to join like Discord and such that might help a nooberino out in case I have questions or something?

    submitted by /u/LEITNITE
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    Game takes forever to load

    Posted: 06 May 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    I can play WoW just fine, but LotRO takes minutes on each loading screen, and the character select screen takes a moment to fully load.

    Do any computer-literate people have suggestions on how I can improve this?

    submitted by /u/CaptainFlowers09
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