• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 4, 2020

    Lord of the Rings Online | Trying to find a kinship these days...

    Lord of the Rings Online | Trying to find a kinship these days...

    Trying to find a kinship these days...

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 12:49 AM PST

    Update 25.4 Release Notes

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 04:18 PM PST

    Here are the Release Notes for Update 25.4, released on Wednesday, March 4th.

    Of Special Note

    Remmorchant, The Net of Darkness

    "Far beneath the Ephel Duath, in the deepest caverns of Torech Ungol, lies the Remmorchant, the Net of Darkness. There, wreathed in webs of shadow only the Light of EƤrendil might hope to penetrate, lies the lair of Ungwetari, the last child of Ungoliant."

    A new raid is now available to any player with access to the Minas Morgul expansion. The raid is currently available on Tiers 1 and 2.

    News and Notes


    Several classes have had their Stun removal skill cooldowns reduced to 60 seconds. Trait and item effects on these cooldowns for the affected skills have also been adjusted. The balance of defensive stats versus vitality has been tweaked to encourage more variety in itemization in defensive builds. Partial Avoidances are now less expensive to cap. The itemization budget for avoidances and incoming healing has been slightly increased. The itemization budget for tactical mitigation has been slightly reduced. The itemization budget for Vitality and health has been reduced by about 5%. A bug has been fixed that reduced certain ratings in the later game.

    Burglar Flashing Blades and Double Edged Strike have had their damage output reduced.

    Captain Noble Mark has been redesigned, and now allows the Captain to heal up to 3% every 3 seconds when they land a skill attack against any opponent. Noble Mark's range is now only 12 meters, requiring the Captain to remain in close proximity to their marked target to maintain the effect.

    Champion Blade and Strike skill damage has been increased.

    Hunter Area of Effect poison cure now has a longer cooldown, and the single target cure now has a cooldown. Hunter direct damage has been increased slightly across the board to compensate.

    Lore-master Friend of the Animals summoning skills will no longer noticeably delay the use of your next queued skill. This change does not apply to the Sic-em skill. Searing Embers refreshed by Set Gear bonuses should now do their appropriate damage.

    Runekeeper Writ of Lightning, Ceaseless Argument, and Static Surge have had their damage output reduced.

    Warden Never Surrender now grants its proper 5% mitigation bonus instead of 50%.


    Universal Optional Crafting Ingredients are now available starting at level 20 for completing Tasks each week. These ingredients can also be awarded for completing certain quests during the Spring, Anniversary, Summer, Harvestmath, and Yuletide festivals. Universal Optional Ingredients can be used in a crafting recipe to guarantee a critical success. More than one Optional Ingredient can now be used at a time. If multiple optional ingredients are checked, one of each ingredient checked will be consumed upon recipe execution. Malleable Moonlit Essences will no longer be able to go into your Crafting Carry-alls as the Crafting system is unable to recognize these essences properly. If you already have placed Malleable Moonlit Essences into a Carry-all, remove them in order to use them to craft new essences. Crafting recipe cooldowns can now be reset using Mithril. The Woodworker Recipe "Elite Vanguard's Hammer of Minas Ithil" now offers weapons with Agility as the main stat. The Woodworker Recipe "Elite Vanguard's Bow of Minas Ithil" now offers weapons with Agility as the main stat. The Woodworker Recipe "Elite Vanguard's Club of Minas Ithil" now offers weapons with Agility as the main stat. Standards of Hope from Crafting Tier 11 and onward now give Vitality and Tactical Mitigation instead of Maximum Morale.


    The Deed Remmorchant, the Net of Darkness - The Ganguard is available for Tier 2 completion of the raid through April 15th, 2020. The Tier 3 completion deed is not yet available.


    Glimmering Ithil Relics are now available in Minas Morgul instances at all group sizes and difficulties. The Sealed Ithil Runes of Striking, Enchantment, and Binding offered for barter by the White Company Quartermaster in Estolad LĆ¢n now correctly bind on acquire. If these sealed runes are already in your inventory, they will immediately bind to your account. If they are taken out of storage, mail, auction house, etc. they will bind to the account of that character. Adventurer's gear is now base item level 412, with the chance to create at up to item level 417. Class-specific silk-steel, silk-hide, and silk-weave armour can be traded in for a comparable piece at the Remmorchant Quartermasters in Estolad Lan. A new Imlad Morgul Instance Rewards Quartermaster in Estolad Lan will allow you to barter Embers of Enchantment to receive gear from the Minas Morgul instances as long as you have completed the appropriate tiered instance completion deed. Legendary Worlds The Erebor raid armour sets are now available for barter at the Skirmish Camp once the appropriate Road to Erebor deed has been completed.

    Anorien pet food now pulls correct stats for a level 100 item. The stats for most low-level crafted jewelery have been reworked to provide more modern stats. Most low-level gear has been updated to use modern itemization tables. This means the gear will generally have more complex statting, and these stat layouts will conform more to modern standards. In particular Light, Medium, and Heavy armor at low levels will now almost always conform to the proper main stat for the classes that can equip them. They may still include off-main stats for color or to allow more creative off-type gearing, but they will now almost always include the class main stat and some vitality/health in order to make it scale more effectively. Because many pieces of low-level gear featured only 1 or 2 stats, while the new versions generally have at least 3, you will often find that the points are distributed differently than before. Some existing stats may drop as a result, but in general the overall value of the pieces should improve. Ithilharn Shards are now awarded for completing the following weekly quests: Imlad Morgul: The Reclamation, Imlad Morgul: Vale of Sorcery, and Imlad Morgul: Continued Threats New Flooring (Carpets) for Housing can be purchased from Rolf Bracegirdle, Bill Twiggins, and Galiana Squibb. Discrepancies between crafted Legendary weapons and scaling Legendary weapons have been rectified. Most players will see an increase in their damage as a result, but others at a few levels may see a slight decrease in damage. Javelins are now categorized properly in the Wardrobe.

    Quests and Adventure Areas

    Reduced HP on: Memory of Sauron, Spirit of Hatred, Spirit of Rage, Fell-spirit (Skorgrim) Increased Target Cooldown on Chilling Wind Reduced damage on: Weight of Failure, Fixation on the Past, Spiteful Words, Chilling Wind Reduced Offense on: Guldur Sorcerer, Guldur Lore-master, GorothĆŗl North Ithilien: Fire Beneath the Shadow instance - Over level spawns have been removed from the quest instance.


    Tooltips have been corrected for inaccessible stable routes. DX11 interactive water will now work properly on 64-bit clients. Performance improvements have been made to client-side landscape loading.


    Virtues can now advance to a maximum of Tier 68.


    The jingling bell sound has been removed from several travel steeds where it was not appropriate.


    submitted by /u/thalras932
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    My quest tracker doesn’t display under my radar like it does for another character on my account. Settings are the same AFAIK. Any ideas?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 12:13 PM PST

    Kinda return (almost new) player. Buffing and Healing.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 01:16 AM PST

    Hi, i want to start a new character on legendary server and i like buffing and healing. I should play a yellow+blue mini or go blue captain?

    submitted by /u/serhaza
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    Reacquiring old faction currency

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:28 AM PST

    I have pretty much gotten to the point where I've accomplished everything that I want to on my 130 hunter until new content is released. I've never really been into mounts, but with the possibility of stables for our mounts in new Rohan housing area, I thought I'd acquire what I can. I am finding that I no longer have the necessary barter items in some lower areas to barter. Things like Westemnet silver coins, silver tokens of the Anduin, etc. Is there some way to earn more of these tokens in areas that don't have repeatable quests?

    submitted by /u/jachildress25
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    Potential new players- noob questions

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 11:09 AM PST

    Hi all,

    Me and my partner may be trying this game out soon, as we love the Tolkien universe and have been looking for a new MMO. I have several questions about starting out:

    1) If we're looking to duo content together, are there any class combination suggestions for a smooth experience? Ideally both classes could be used by the same race (to start in same area)

    2) I usually like playing "pet classes". I believe the lore master is the main pet class here- how good is it in pairs or even solo, assuming I spec into the most pet-oriented build/version?

    3) Any general advice for a pair of players looking to do content together? Is it even recommended to duo content vs solo or larger groups?


    submitted by /u/rob999999999
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    New player questions :)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 04:58 PM PST

    Hey all, I recently started the game and am playing a halfling burglar but have been reading that they aren't taken very much in raids and they aren't the greatest first class. I am only level 8 and would be willing to restart. I have played many MMOs but the questing in this game feels so amazing. I'm just wondering if there is a better class to be playing if I want to do all the end game content there is to offer? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/floopydiskelite
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    Landroval light or non-RP kinship that's open to a returning player?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 10:29 AM PST

    Looking for a kin on Landroval, I don't mind RP, but it's not really my go to, my characters just seem to have ended up here from Meneldor days.

    Have not played since just before Mirkwood, the Lorien stuff. Will definitely have some questions, planning to play Captain but won't be going super hard and leveling fast. Definitely don't think I'm looking to raid or anything at least any time soon if ever.

    Just looking for a friendly, social experience. I'm in the US, Eastern time.

    submitted by /u/ACertifiedWizard
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