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    Tuesday, March 3, 2020

    Lord of the Rings Online | Do you guys think this is a good game for a 49 year old man who hasn't played a game since 1993?

    Lord of the Rings Online | Do you guys think this is a good game for a 49 year old man who hasn't played a game since 1993?

    Do you guys think this is a good game for a 49 year old man who hasn't played a game since 1993?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 12:07 PM PST

    My father has never had much time to play games, life just moved to fast for him, work always needed him, and surprise! Here comes some kids. However, he has much more time these days, and has expressed interest in playing video games, and i do know, one of his favorite universes is the LOTR Universe! the guy watches the movies a few times a month! And so, i'd like an answer if this game will be a good choice for my Dad to be introduced back into the world of video games- and online gaming, or should i introduce him another time?

    submitted by /u/SugaryCornFlakes
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    Am i the only Lotro player from India?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:31 PM PST

    If not then i summon you to fulfill your oath and show yourself. Cause I haven't found a single indian player in all these months

    submitted by /u/ashishranjan14
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    Would a Longbeard/Stout Axe be much worse in terms of animation speed than High Elf/Woman?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 02:21 AM PST

    I was thinking of rolling a guardian since it's the only class outside RK that I haven't leveled past 10 and was trying to decide on a race taking both aesthetics and gameplay into consideration.

    Recently I saw some posts discussing animation speed differences in melee classes. Would it be noticeable for 1h+shield dwarf character compared to a high elf/mans? Or does it matter more on champions and two-handed swings?

    submitted by /u/Rwlyra
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    What class do you like most for relaxed leveling and landscaping to soak in the atmosphere and different zones?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 07:21 AM PST

    Just had a quick question for you all as a returning player looking to get back into the game.

    What would you say is the most enjoyable class, not for end-game raiding or solo viability (as I think Warden is considered very good, but also very intensive to play well), but only focusing on enjoyable and relaxed leveling and getting around in the game as a solo-player?

    submitted by /u/limwen
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    Absolute store must-haves

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 12:19 AM PST

    Can you list here what you consider the best store purchases, when it comes to quality of life?

    I bought riding, gives you 78% speed available right away.

    -5 minute cooldown milestone is huge for levelling, avoids lots of back and forth to quest hub

    I may have bought an upgraded wallet years ago but I dont remember it's benefits, if any.

    submitted by /u/jaypech
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    New Warden Questions

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 04:14 PM PST

    I've been playing the game on and off for a long time but never played a Warden. I'm playing differently to what I normally would and instead of going to my go to classes Ive decided to switch it up and try classes I haven't really played or never touched.

    I know the Warden has changed slightly since the old days of being the ridiculous tank that could solo almost everything but my question is what role do wardens do now at end game?

    Are they considered tanks or dps? Do people even try tanking anymore?

    Which spec is a good spec to level up in?

    And finally do Wardens prefer to use the spear or go with the racial weapon bonus? Like e.g. (Sword for High Elves)

    submitted by /u/BashyMcGashy
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    Arkenstone Kinship seeking Level 50-65's for Older Instances!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 02:14 PM PST

    We're Turtle Recall, a kinship with an emphasis on parking characters at levels 50-65 and beyond at some point so we can run older instances like Carn Dum, Helegrod and The Rift! We currently have level 50 looking pretty good with some of us starting alts to get to level 60 next. We would like a few more so we can run The Rift any weekend so of course we're recruiting!

    If you have a low level alt that is languishing away or you want to join us with a fresh character to have as your go-to Angmar character or Moria character or even beyond that, then please reach out to me here and we will get you started.

    Some Info About Us:

    We currently have a solid team of 7-9 players that are already at around 50, with a few of us working on alts to get to 60.

    We play at all times with a few of us EST time, but also some that are PST as well as some EU and Aussies as well.

    We are helping each other run BB's for the extra class points and also crafting items for each other as well.

    The goal is to have characters locked at varying levels using the Stone of the Tortoise. That way there is no hurry for anyone to feel the need to "catch up" as we always have characters ready to help without them moving on.

    You can have just one character in the kinship if you wish and you can choose the level you want to stop at. Just understand that we are still currently at level 50 so if you want to run Mirkwood instances at 65, we're not there yet, but I figure around summertime we should have enough alts to start that area. We should be ready to start Moria in the next month or two.

    If you would like to join you can PM me here or look for one of my characters in-game. I do quite a bit of afk crafting while working so if I do not respond right away shoot me an email in-game. Look for me on: Ilsalos or Shamey or Maxsteiner

    submitted by /u/2TonStreama
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    Can VIP content be purchased individually?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 06:56 PM PST

    I've been thinking about getting into LOTRO (as I'm also looking into ESO and WoW), and I made it a decent ways into free play, but I haven't seen any other players, nor have I seen anything in chat. I'm on Arkenstone. Maybe that server just doesn't have as many players. I know the game isn't dead, but I also know it doesn't have the pop of the "big 3."

    Because of this, I decided I don't want to put money towards a subscription fee for this game specifically. I would however be okay with becoming a "premium" player. I found a nice chart that detailed the difference between all of them, and I noticed specific things like gold cap and character cap being EXTREMELY low on both F2P and Premium accounts, among other things.

    Can you purchase things like an unlimited gold cap individually? Or more character slots? Or do you have to have VIP specifically for things like that?

    submitted by /u/Elarionus
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    was there a big squish a few years ago?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 01:39 PM PST

    Trying to play with my Fiancee, but logged on and can't find my old Main character. I was going to start fresh anyway, but kind of upset that my main dwarf champ is gone for whatever reason. Was there some deletion of servers a few years ago that I missed out on?

    submitted by /u/OldFashionedLoverBoi
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    EU Server Connectivity

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 01:34 PM PST

    Hey guys! I'm a returning player and I'm looking for a server with a good community and a decent population. Evernight seems to be the most populated but since I'm from Kansas would it even work?

    submitted by /u/Kaedo5000
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    Returning from being gone since Moria, looking for a Kin anywhere.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 11:11 AM PST

    I haven't played really since Moria. I played a Guardian and a Burglar back then but I'll definitely be starting fresh. Server doesn't matter. I do not want to be powerleveled or race to max level, I'll be taking my time and just experiencing zones until I want to go to the next one or play an alt for a day.

    What I'm looking for is a Kin that's kind of social that I can learn about the game and what's changed and what hasn't. People who are willing to answer questions and deal with someone who is relatively quiet otherwise. I will be on at random times between 1pm and 1am EST, which I know is a larger window, so you can probably consider me "Evenings" on the US servers.

    submitted by /u/Tobris
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    Returning german - which server?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 05:27 AM PST


    I havn't played for some years now (have gold membership because I bought the lifetime support at release) and wonder which server I should join. As far as I see there are two german / EU servers here. Should I join them? I thought about the legendary server but I am not sure if I should make a subscription and want to test the water before ...


    submitted by /u/tobiasdoe
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    Q&A Video in this article

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:46 AM PST

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