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    Sunday, February 16, 2020

    Lord of the Rings Online | My friend heroically leaps to safety

    Lord of the Rings Online | My friend heroically leaps to safety

    My friend heroically leaps to safety

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 05:29 PM PST

    [Massively OP] LOTRO Legendarium: Revisiting Riders of Rohan in Lord of the Rings Online

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 10:18 PM PST

    Old Anorien from the path that leads into the East Wall, next to the Rauros. Not looking good for Gondor folks (I'm lvl 21 btw)

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 07:29 AM PST

    Crickhollow: Need a kinship?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 06:11 PM PST

    Do you love chocolate? Like you could die by chocolate? Then Death by Chocolate just might be the home for you! All jokes aside, we are rank 10 kinship, but does rank really matter? We've been around since 2016, but some since the start of it all. We are 18+ and welcome all levels and play types. We'll be around even if you can't always be. Join us for lots of laughs and fun.

    We have a kinship house, all the crafting stations, supplier and banker. The kinship has players with the hand in every craft available, so if you need something? We got it. We usually always have someone around to ask questions to, or get some stuff done. We enjoy early-content, mid-level content, and run end-game content daily. Contact Kathexis, Littlepickle, Beoran, Canval, Orvid or anyone else you see online from our happy group.

    submitted by /u/KatRedboots
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    Archived version of TheFatLute.eu - Over 8000 songs you can play in-game!

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 07:29 AM PST

    Fun late game: burglar or warden

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 03:09 PM PST

    A while back I had tons of fun leveling my warden to lvl 75. Im looking to get back to the game. And um torn between starting a new warden or a new burglar. I know all about their strengths and weaknesses, I was wandering which you guys had mor fun on the later stages of The game (post rohan)? Burgling in mordor seems to be a lot of fun, but can they hold their own without a group?

    submitted by /u/h1berto87
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    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 06:47 AM PST

    Me and some friends just started to play at Laurelin. To see people RP and get immersive in the world. But we are also a fried for dead servers. How well populated is Laurelin? Are there events? Low level instance runs and people leveling/role playing here and there as we expect?

    submitted by /u/JackHallow123
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    Lag spikes as of late

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 01:38 PM PST

    Anyone else experiencing huge lag spikes as of late and character freezing?

    submitted by /u/Slade-Yob
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    Advice needed please - conundrum

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 01:07 PM PST

    Hi All

    Bit of backstory. I've been playing LOTRO since launch. Has been my go to game for most of that time. Dabble in paradox games too but always come back as I love the lore so much.

    I play on the European server Evernight (old school Gilrain) and have a host of toons and crafts at my disposal. My main has been my captain Vanric since just after launch.

    However, I recently moved to western Canada. The problem I now have is different time zones. With the latest expansion requiring a good kin to do group content more than ever (in my opinion), I'd like to get into the raiding scene again. As far as I know that would be near impossible with the time zone differences and me working 9-5 over here.

    So that's where I would like to ask your advice. With server transfers between EU and US off the table, on one hand I could carry on on evernight with all my trades and gold but hardly ever get into group content. Or on the other hand I could purchase an Aria of the Valar and start a 120 cappy on a US server, probably Arkenstone. Doing this would mean starting over economy wise but at least I'd be in the same timezone and have a shot at playing group content.

    I could really use some advice, and would appreciate what you would do in my position.

    submitted by /u/vancityryanvn
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    Returning player

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 09:14 AM PST

    Greetings everyone,

    I am returning to play once again. I had a question regarding content and VIP status.

    I currently have the following content on my account:

    • Shadows of Angmar™ Beta 2
    • Shadows of Angmar™ Pre-order (EBGames™/GameStop™)
    • Shadows of Angmar™ Open Beta
    • Shadows of Angmar™ Standard
    • Shadows of Angmar™ Trial
    • Mines of Moria™ Standard
    • Siege of Mirkwood™
    • Rise of Isengard™
    • Riders of Rohan™
    • Helm's Deep™

    Which additional expansions do I need to purchase and do I need to subscribe to the VIP plan? I do not have any characters and will be making a new one on Brandywine. I am not sure how long I can play for free or if not having VIP from the start will hinder my journey. I logged in yesterday and am astounded about how well the game has held up for being over 11 years old! Lastly, any recommended kins on Brandywine?

    Thank you all!

    submitted by /u/Delete-Reddit
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    One Hope Remains - solo

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 12:57 PM PST

    Any tips on this? I've just tried doing it; all fine until it got to Mordrambor; I was doing ok but Narmeleth seemed to keep losing health for no reason and I couldn't heal her.

    submitted by /u/joshuacampana
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    Getting the higher characters losing connection from character screen to game world again

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 04:36 PM PST

    The error pretty much sums it above - I got this before with higher level characters and did all the troubleshooting on SSG website to no avail and had to take a break from the game for awhile. Then it was gone after a few weeks. I've been playing a few months without the error, but now its back.

    Break time again then?

    submitted by /u/Creefast22
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    Housing, shared storage, and farming crops?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 07:23 AM PST

    Hello guys!

    I heard that you can get shared storage for free if you get a house. Ok, pretty good.

    But I tried out a few homesteads and checked it out, and rarely neighbours have crafting stuff so you can use them. Also, if you get out of the homestead, you are always half an hour away from the first farming land.

    I need a place where I can have shared storage, and where I can also farm every craft., and where i can have my characters, so I can share produce and materials between them.

    What do?

    submitted by /u/asssed
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    Sharing gold between alts?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 10:46 AM PST

    Is it possible? I can't find any button in my house shared storage. If it's not possible, then it should be possible via items. So, which items can you buy, share with your alt, and then sell again for the least loss?

    submitted by /u/asssed
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    Which race is best for minstrel lore-wise and min-max-wise?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 04:49 AM PST

    Elf, lore-wise, I know. Because wood-elves are merry and stuff. and Have magic. But they don't have the Will like the High Elf. Will gives you a bonus to outgoing healing, which is , like, what a minstrel does.

    High Elves look like they aren't merry, and they are, like, high-class and posh. So I dunno if they would ever pick up a lute and do magic with music.

    Hobbits, on the other hand are such a useless race that they don't do anything. Yes, they are merry. Check. Yes, they probably sing songs, yes. But they most definitely don't have glowing hands and magic, and "knowledge of ancient songs and lore". Hobbits barely remember stuff from the beginning of the Shire. But they have a "second oshit skill", which people praise. The play dead one which lets you lose all the aggro.

    So yes, what should a person pick if nothing fits? (And don't give me the " pick whatever" speech. It's I that have to be satisfied with the lore explanation, but also with minmax mentality.)

    what do?

    submitted by /u/asssed
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    Fresh 105 into Mordor

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 03:58 AM PST

    I am a returning player and am looking at leveling some of my alts up to 120 so that when the nex expac is out for purchase with lotro points I can make a start. Now most of my alts are 105 that got left there as soon as I hit it. Is mordor safe to enter straight away or should I get gear for it? I remember when mordor came out it was horrible on geard 105 characters never mind fresh 105 characters. So just looking for advice as I want to get into mordor ASAP.

    submitted by /u/Robocop_99
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    I really wish this would come to consoles...

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 12:14 PM PST

    I've never played this but I've always wanted to. I've read really good things about it. Does a man have any hope for this dream to come true.

    submitted by /u/hammerblaze
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