• Breaking News

    Friday, October 1, 2021

    Lord of the Rings Online | Switched from 32 to 64 bit client.

    Lord of the Rings Online | Switched from 32 to 64 bit client.

    Switched from 32 to 64 bit client.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 11:24 PM PDT

    And 10 minutes later I throwed some money at SSG. This game is beautiful. Didn't expected one switch in launcher option can have so much impact on visuals. I'm sure that I will stay here for a while.

    "I'm Going on an Adventure!"

    submitted by /u/ISSPBLACK
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    No more Belfalas Fried Chicken for you Bombur!

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 10:05 AM PDT

    LOTRO: Gundabad Bundle Cosmetics & Supplies - Unboxing and Review (Collector's & Ultimate Fan) | Louey7

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 03:41 PM PDT

    Your New Legendary Items Explained!

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 12:37 PM PDT

    Is there a way to remove the alerts for legendary item level up?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 06:17 PM PDT

    This thing is driving me insane and i couldn't find an option to turn it off in the settings. Any help would be welcome, thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/Mako2401
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    Optimal crafting for deadly difficulty

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 09:26 PM PDT

    Trying to ease the leveling process by outfitting my characters accordingly with the goal of being crafting self-sufficient. I figured explorer has to be your first toon, for a med or light armor class who can at least get by with just crafted armor. Possibly warden or LM. I always felt scholar was better suited for a hunter, with mit bow chants, scrolls and oils so this is a lock for me.

    After that, beos can easily level with random drops and quest rewards so he should go next as metalsmith.

    Any of the other heavys will benefit from crafterd armor so toss in cappy champ or guard for armsman.

    I would follow with jeweller and woodworker, scholar then my cook would be the only one not actually playing, he will just park and cook.

    I'm not sure if it would be better to go with jeweller after metalsmith since it covers lots of slots, which would leave weaponsmith and woodworker last.

    Is there a better way to approach crafting? This legendary server with difficulty has reignited my love for just leveling characters to cap and it feels like a reboot and a chance to start fresh after 14 years.

    submitted by /u/jaypech
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    Can’t decide on a class to choose for my 1st!

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 03:22 PM PDT

    I am making my 1st character and I'm trying to decide which class will be best for me to explore the world of lotro for the first time past Bree, without feeling overwhelmed with skill rotations/how difficult it is, etc. I'm mostly a solo player but then I may also find a group to play with (Like my friend and May find others to group with together) But maybe let's just stick to mostly solo for this 1st character to explore the world.

    I honestly love all styles of combat. Melee or Ranged. I was hoping to be able to just have a high survivability rate with most content of the game soloing (no fellowship quests of course) My friend is a Captain and a potential new friend is Guardian so I want to avoid those two.

    Another thing about me is I really love healing/being support the last few years of playing MMORPGs. So if there's any class with high survivability as a solo that can heal and do damage, I'm down for that as well.


    submitted by /u/Addizun
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    Me and My New Best Friend

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 07:32 PM PDT

    Question on the treasure hunt event

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 05:51 PM PDT

    Is there any particular trick to finding the huge cache? Or is it all up to RNGsus?

    submitted by /u/raknor88
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    I started a new game recently as a Human Champion and I keep seeing these glitches. Textures keep turning black and its really bugging me. Can someone help me please?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    Finally found a daycare to drop off my hobbit!

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 10:10 AM PDT

    Hey I just started Plating LOTRO and wanna see how it goes but I would like to play with a group so if anyone’s open to it lmk

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 05:54 PM PDT

    Iron hills

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 04:06 AM PDT

    Do I really need to pay to use mounts?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 10:46 AM PDT

    how often do DLC classes go on sale?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2021 12:05 AM PDT

    looking to get myself the rune-keeper

    submitted by /u/vizhawk
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    100% Broken LI Farm - Instantly max new LI's

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 08:32 AM PDT

    Here is a guide showing you how to instantly max your new LI's within 20mins of update 30.2.1 going live on October 13th!
    It requires you to do lots of work right now, before the patch. Heres what to do ->

    submitted by /u/DotLERamsayBolton
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    Solo Leveling Tips for Newbies

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 10:42 AM PDT

    Just a few random thoughts on getting started. I've been playing LotRO since 2007, and have left and returned a number of times. If I've been away for a year or more I usually start a new character to get reacquainted with the game mechanics. My typical progression (although it's by no means the only way) is:

    Spend some time doing your race/class hub starter quests (Michel Delving, Thorin's Hall, Archet/Combe, Celondim, etc). If you're going to pursue crafting, the amount of time you need to spend in each area will also depend on how fast you can acquire the materials to level up your craft-guild tiers. Of course, you can always come back later, at a higher level, to gather mats when you don't have to fight everything, but I seldom do.

    Move on to Bree as soon as the quest chain sends you there, some time around level 10 or 12 (unless you want to stay and work on faction rep right away). Hint: best bet for getting Mathom Society (Shire) kindred is to wait until Goblin-town, where you get tons of mathoms as well as Rivendell rep items.

    Do Southern Breefields/Buckland/Old Forest quests until around level 17 or 18, then hit North Barrow-Downs followed by Northern Breefields up to level 20. (You will need to be slightly higher or get help if you want to more quickly earn Men of Bree kindred by doing the South Barrow-downs dungeons).

    Move on to the Lone-lands when the quest chain sends you there, around level 20. Stay there until you finish the landscape quests, sometime before level 30.

    Once you've finished the Eglain quests around level 28, go to the North Downs (Trestlebridge/Esteldin) when the quest chain sends you there. I usually don't stay there long because I find it faster to level up to 34 in Evendim, to which the quest chain sends you from Esteldin at level 30.

    Unless you have a Tinnudir fast-travel token, you will have to walk/ride to Evendim from Michel Delving, turning in a copuple of Ostguruth quests at Oatbarton along the way, or through the North Downs, northwest of Trestlebridge. (I recommend the former.) You won't get too many quests there until you've been to Rivendell, but you can do the gauradan quest chain in Evespire and the tomb-robber quests out of High King's Crossing.

    Travel to the Trollshaws around level 34-35 ( there will be a quest in Tinnudir to send you there). Work the landscape quests there until around level 36 or 37, then walk/ride to Rivendell through the High Moor; you can stop along the way to do the six repeatable animal-killing quests to quickly level up. You get the Misty Mountain starter quests in Rivendell at 36 but you will do much better at level 38.

    At this point you could opt to go to Angmar instead, from level 37 to around 40, but the lag there lately has made it all but unplayable. It is, however, the gateway to the Rangers of the North rep grind, so you might want to consider it.

    Do the Misty Mountain landscape quests up to and including the Northern High Pass, then enter Goblin-town at around level 41 or 42 (mobs will be mostly orange or yellow to you then). Stay in there until you complete almost all of the quests (except the Great Goblin unless you have a full fellowship) and get Rivendell and Mathom Society kindred, then move on to Eregion at level 43 or 44 (the latter will open up more quests to you). You will get a quest from Gloin in the Misty Mountains at level 42 to go to Forochel, but 'tis a dreary, tedious place that I normally skip. You could stop at Echad Candelleth in Tal Bruinen on the way to Eregion and do those quests, since you will be sent there by the quest chain at level 38, but it isn't mandatory unless you want to do the Gollum-chasing quest.

    Complete the Eregion quests until you get to level 45 (or 46 if you want a slightly easier time), then go into the Walls of Moria to get your first Legendary Item (this is about to change, I believe). Keep questing in Eregion (or you can spend some time in Forochel if you like) until you level your LI to 10 and are ready to open up Moria at around level 48.

    Stay in Moria until level 58, getting Moria Guard and Miner kindred before you leave.

    Technically, you can hit the Dimrill Dale and survive at level 55 or 56 but it's a tough slog at those low levels. Go into Lothlorien when you're sent there after reaching Acquaintance with the Galadhrim.

    Do Lothlorien quests between levels 58 and 60, at least until you get to Friend status with the Galadhrim and can enter Caras Galadhon, a fast-travel hub. The only part of Lothlorien I find fun and a bit challenging is the orc camps in the West; the rest is a lot of boring running around gathering flowers and singing to trees; charming, maybe, to do once but these are REPEATABLES, so trust me and stick with the orc camps).

    At level 60 you COULD start the Mirkwood quests, but I usually move on to Enedwaith, and then to Dunland at 65 (note that the travel horse in Galtrev - the Dunland quest hub - is gated until level 65, so it's frustrating to go there any earlier). You could also return to Mirkwood for a bit around level 63 and have an easier time of it.

    At 70 you will be directed to Great River by Galadriel, and at 75 you should move on to the quest hub, Harwick, in Eastern Rohan and get your war-steed. The travel horse there is gated until level 75 so there isn't much point in getting there any earlier.

    That's probably more than enough for now, and should give you a general outline of the leveling scenario. Note that I'm not covering any of the epic quests or solo instances since I usually pick and choose the ones I want to do and skip the ones I don't enjoy.

    submitted by /u/Uisgah
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    What class next?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 11:49 AM PDT

    I have been playing lotro for several years on Arkenstone and I've come to enjoy Minstrel (blue) and Warden (red). I've played those two classes non stop and haven't really dove into any others. Im a guy that likes trying new things I'm just not sure which class to start next to diversify my endgame. I've been thinking either burglar, loremaster or captain. I guess I'm just looking for some discussion and your opinions. Thanks! (:

    submitted by /u/morestmord
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    All World's Closed

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 03:12 PM PDT

    Does anyone have a solution for all the world's being closed in the launcher? Returning player using a new account. Downloaded yesterday. It's been like that for 2 days, so I doubt it's maintenance. I've uninstalled, downloaded the game again, and installed it again. I've done the language switch. Hlp pls

    Edit: I figured out it had something to do with my account. I made an account on a different email to test this and it worked, though I don't want to use this email for a game.

    submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded_Wind636
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    Night sky over Edoras

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 12:56 PM PDT

    Arkenstone Kinship Recruitment

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 10:45 AM PDT

    Hey all, I'm a recent player returning the game and was wondering if there any kinships around that are looking for players who are returning to the game but basically starting from square 1. (I'm currently level25)

    submitted by /u/shroudknight
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    130 valar

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 12:04 PM PDT

    Is there already information about what the level 130 valar will include? Like how many class trait points and virtues you get, along with other stuff.

    submitted by /u/Jormapelailee
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    To boost or not to boost?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 10:09 AM PDT

    So I'm thinking of purchasing the collector's edition of the new expansion. I wanted to get your opinions on if a boost is worth it. Would I be losing out on a lot of cool titles and stuff that I wouldn't normally get if I'd levelled the character up? Like even the starting zones give titles in this game. I'm fairly new to lotro and i work long hours so I can't see myself levelling all my characters to 130 fast enough and I'm mostly in it for the RP so I was wondering if I should boost, also to check out endgame content faster.

    Opinions would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Fair_Welcome_8590
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    Cant login: password or username wrong but cant reset password either

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 05:06 PM PDT

    Hi, today i tried login in and got the message that my password was wrong, i have been writing it right all week so im pretty positive i didnt forget it. I then went to reset the password after clicking password forgotten and followed the steps, got the email, picked a new password but when i tried it, its still not working.

    I tried 6 different new password with letters, number, with or without special character but it always says i got the wrong password. I opened a ticket but seeing post about people waiting months for an answer i was wondering if anyone got the same issue in the past and how they fixed it.

    Thanks for any help

    submitted by /u/daxoon
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