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    Tuesday, March 10, 2020

    Lord of the Rings Online | More lotr is not possible

    Lord of the Rings Online | More lotr is not possible

    More lotr is not possible

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 07:15 AM PDT


    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 12:53 AM PDT

    How many people still play this? I played when I was much younger and was just curious how many people played, I probably played in like 2010-2012

    submitted by /u/DiSxREPTILEx
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    I feel bad for buying the Stoic Pose because it's per character but damn does it look awesome with an axe and crossbow.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    "Wee Fishing Contest" on Ithil on Sunday 15th March 2020, 15:00 to 18:00 servertime

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 08:56 PM PDT

    "Guturs Pleasant Diversions" invites to the "Wee Fishing Contest"

    Will be held on Ithil on Sunday 15th March 2020, 15:00 to 18:00 servertime (19:00 to 22:00 GMT).

    Gutur, your humble host with whom you start the quest, can be found in The Shire at the Bywater Pool [31.2S, 70.0W] for the duration of the event.
    You can start your participation any time within the event times, just be sure to leave enough time to actually catch the fishes!
    Just walk up to Gutur and "/say Gutur fishing" ("/sagen Gutur angeln" fĆ¼r deutsche Spielclients).
    You will then be invited into group (raid) so I can see the fish you're catching.
    The "wee" part of the contest is that you're only required to catch one of each of three different types of fish from the pond. That shouldn't take long.
    You'll get tells along with your progress and your times will be noted.
    When you're done, feel free to leave the group at your leisure as to make place for other participants who may be waiting for a spot.

    There are no prices and there will be no recompensation for time of life spent.
    However, there might be endless fame for "winning" the contest - if everything works as expected...

    One thing, I can't really chat while taking notes as it takes a lot of concentration as-is so if you really need to talk to me during that time, hop on my discord (https://discord.gg/MTZEpAQ).

    Have fun! /Gutur of Ithil

    submitted by /u/McGermot
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    Anyone else having load and lag issues since the last patch?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    Finally got to play today after the last patch, and was experiencing some things that I don't know I've ever experienced (and I've been here since SoA days, with one break)

    Questing in Gondor I had a number of times where the landscape didn't load. I don't mean loaded in low res textures. I mean huge gaping holes in the world that were giant lakes or sinkholes dropping into oblivion, then suddenly having the land snap into existence.

    Strange lag spikes- where I would just stop moving stuck on a non existent bush. Mobs hitting me well after they were dead. Objects I was interacting with not responding until long after I'd moved on past them.

    Targeting not working at all in some cases, or skills just plain not firing. I had times that not only did tab refuse to target a mob, but I couldn't use my macro key or even mouse click on them until they had been beating on me a bit. Then hopefully it would let me target them to counter attack. Died twice because it plain refused to let me target a mob to attack them- even telling me a couple of times that mobs that were right in front of me in a field were not in my line of sight (I'm a hunter- they were in front of me clear)

    I had one attack skill sound and animation activate several seconds after had killed a mob, mounted my horse, and started to ride off. Only to have that attack then rebound me back off my horse to fight a mob that was long dead.

    Just some strange things that I've not had before happen. Certainly wasn't doing that last week before the patch. Not sure if it's the cause or what it would be.

    submitted by /u/sirwillow77
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    Update 25.4.1 Release Notes (Tuesday, March 10th)

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:24 PM PDT

    Can Free Range be done with a single escort?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    Hey, it's me, the chicken gal!

    I've done the run to Minas Tirith, and the run to the lonely mountain.. so all I have left is the dreaded Free Range! I'm planning to do it this weekend, and I've someone interested in going with me - but that's it, one single person - 130 lvl hunter.

    Is it realistic to expect him to be able to protect me in Agmnar by himself? I don't know how many more people I can sell this to! lol

    submitted by /u/Alastiana
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    New player - questions on servers

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I was feeling adventurous over the weekend and decided to finally give a try to LOTRO. I created a guardian on Evernight - and have enjoyed it quite a bit so far.

    I have noticed that there are two categories of server - normal and legendary. As a new player, I feel that there is an attraction to legendary - but I'm worried that the pace of leveling would mean I am permanently outleveled by the content and will never get to enjoy the "endgame" experience of the updates (I am playing casually).

    On normal servers, I was wondering if the game could be soloed by any class (I am playing a red line guardian but would like to tank in group settings).

    Many thanks for your responses - and I look forward to meeting some of you in the game.

    submitted by /u/Odelys
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    Stat Caps

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    I play a RK and I think the stat cap is 25% (450CR), so it is worth to get more than 450CR??
    And what about Tactical Mastery? Does it worth to get more than 600TM?


    submitted by /u/LotroFan75
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    Lotro colours are fine but Desktop gets blue

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 06:32 AM PDT


    When I start LOTRO on my laptop (Gtx 1660 ti max Q, i7 9750h 16gb ram, Win 10 64 bit), everything works but my Desktop gets blue and I cant solve this problem. I play via Steam.

    submitted by /u/RemusGT
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    Do you have a "main"?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 02:38 AM PDT

    Hello everyone :)

    Right now I am playing one of my alts and got him to 130. I feel like much of the content (especially regions like Mordor or Northern Mirkwood) feels pretty tedious and I could not bring myseld to do it again. Also the LI grind takes so much time/gold. Having multiple characters with max virtues, max reputation, max LI seems impossible.

    So I was wondering: do you guys have a "main" character you do everything with? If you decide to "main" a new character - do you complete older content? Don't you care about completionism at all? Did you at some point stop playing "alts" - if so why?

    Thank you :)

    submitted by /u/Tephi187
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    What class should I play?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    What class is lacking or desired the most for groups content and raids? I am a needy bitch and want attention.

    submitted by /u/Eternaljest
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    Captain, or Guardian?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 04:34 AM PDT

    Which is a better tank/support warrior? Is tanks mainly needed in this game or nah?

    submitted by /u/drprince4
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