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    Thursday, September 30, 2021

    Lord of the Rings Online | My first time playing LoTRO and wow, this game is beautiful

    Lord of the Rings Online | My first time playing LoTRO and wow, this game is beautiful

    My first time playing LoTRO and wow, this game is beautiful

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 07:23 AM PDT

    The adventures of Bowdergunth fishing

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 12:07 AM PDT

    Essential lotro store items

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 06:55 PM PDT

    Hey guys! So, I just started out playing the game and I want to know which items in the lotro store are essential for me to buy, considering I don't have VIP. The only ones I know so far are the currency cap and riding skill

    Edit: I already have the quest packs and bought all the expansion quests

    submitted by /u/LiliumSkyclad
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    When she says she doesn't date guys under 6 ft, so you find yourself a bog-lurker to stand on...

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 12:48 PM PDT

    Appreciation post for Font size feature

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 08:16 PM PDT

    Quest font size and quest block being dinamic... love it.

    submitted by /u/Ch3pewar
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    LOTROQUESTS2021 - Coupon Code (Until 30th November) to unlock dozens of Quest Packs

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 11:45 AM PDT

    My buddy cant download lotro, it crashes at around 70%

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 04:35 PM PDT

    would love to have some ideas and if possible a potential solution, we ve been friends for 30 years and we live in different countries. Thanks folks!

    submitted by /u/CatireDurin
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    "Returning" Casual Player Needs Tips

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 07:09 PM PDT

    TL:DR Beginner RK Professions to choose as first character and beginner tips in general

    In Quotations because I was like 10 when I was playing this game 22 now. I got ahold of my old account that has Runekeeper and Warden on them decided RK might be fun. I enjoy the crafting in this game but struggle with stuff like should I focus on armor or the weapons for professions. Any Other beginner tips would be amazing too! :D

    submitted by /u/Mastabettafish
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    Some new player questions

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 11:14 AM PDT

    hey hey,

    ive been playing mmos for over 10 years now and my main game has been swtor for most of that time. I have considered giving lotro a shot during my last break from it but in the end decided against it since it was already known that the now cancelled new lotr mmo was beeing made and then forgot this game existed again until a timelapse video of some guy walking across the entire map randomly was on my yt frontpage yesterday so decided to give it a go. I think that is a very good reason to start playing this game now but ive got some questions before i get started:

    1. Steam or launcher? any reason to use one over the other?
    2. what server? as far as i found out all servers are physically located in NA so it doesnt matter for my ping but i would like to play on a somewhat populated server. Im from EU, usually do mostly endgame pve and depending on the game also pvp in mmos. Rp is not really my thing but it doesnt bother me if other people do it. I plan to play this game mostly for story and leveling experience on the side for now though.
    3. as far as i can tell subscription (i will first try as full f2p) does not include the expansions so when would be a good time to look into getting one? also there is something about expansions on sale or something pinned on this sub, does that affect me in any way as a new first time player?

    thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/sblack_was_taken
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    Lessons learned and never forgotten about Lotro:

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 07:10 AM PDT

    I started to play Lotro back in 2007, I couldn't make to the Lifetime Subscription because I did not have a valid bank card to use for it. As a citizen to a country that where banks provide that service to only a selected group of people, I was utterly devastated. But life goes on, and managed to play a few months on opening, but then the routine in my relationship with this game was coming back a couple of years later, play a few more months, rinse and repeat.

    Finally, Lotro came to the Free to Play field, as part of the trend for the genre.

    It was only then, that I could start playing finally for months without being worry to not be able to pay monthly fees.

    As an old gamer now, specially of Mmorpgs (Lineage II, WoW, Eso and many more), I saw the opportunity for those who can't afford in other way to come to my beloved game.

    I saw many subscribers hating the move, because they were afraid the game would become too casual and a grinding nightmare and let us not forget the micro transactions, that we hate the most on any game.

    But the true is, the Free to Play was the right move. No company goes that way because they are doing well, in fact, is a painfull decision for to keep it alive.

    My own experience?: without the pressure to pay monthly, I started to buy things when I could, investing a no despicable amount of money all these years. Every time I had the resources and could invest in this, my hobby, I did.

    The game keep for years under an unhealthy amount of rumours about being shutted down soon.

    I wonder how many potentially players did not came into the game because this obssesion with Lotro players predicting the dead of Lotro.

    It did not happen. In fact, it started to steadily but slowly take a firm standing on the mmorpg market. Many factors can be discerned the causes for this:

    - Free to play transition.

    - The lore is unique and well written.

    - Improves on the visual department.

    - Regular sales.

    - The 64 bits client.

    - SSG understanding this is a luxury of a franchise and letting it go would be to say the least embarassing.

    - Middle Earth Enterprises assuring publicly that the license will continue for this game.

    Of course, many things have being neglected, after years of what I consider missmanagement, PvP, Lotro Store mess, PR doing a bad job many times, almost always being silence on topics they should made staments.

    The game is far from perfect, but is here, it has survived where many, many games has not, and honestly, I can see it doing perfectly fine at the near and middle range future.

    I love this game, aside all the issues we can mention, and hopefully SSG is showing a healthy engage that can make things goes even better.

    I will keep my fingers crossed.

    See you in Middle Earth. Be safe and have fun.

    submitted by /u/Electronauta
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    Levelling tips for a returning player?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 07:13 AM PDT

    Hi all, I've been back in the saddle for the last 2 months or so, and finally hit level 60 in Mirkwood. Last time I played, Rohan was the cap, so I got to around 75-78, somewhere in that area, but that was on an old server so those characters are a bit in limbo now.

    Are there any levelling tips/tricks to get me through Mirkwood/Dunland/Isengard and back into Rohan again, anywhere good to grind/skip etc? I've really enjoyed going through the game again until now but I've just got a bit impatient and want to get through Rohan and into Gondor really

    submitted by /u/ShaneBazTe
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    Advice on expansion

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 09:23 AM PDT

    I am a lvl 77 player stuck in Rohan who wants to play the endgame when the new expansion comes out. I really like dwarven stuff and want to play the previous dwarven updates before gundabad. I know that i wont get to lvl 130 before the expansion releases, but if i bought the edition with lvl 130 boost, would i then be overleved for the other dwarven zones, and if so, is there any other way i can play it? Also, what zones are part of the current dwarf story?

    submitted by /u/SpecialEdKidd
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    Trophy-hunter of Azanulbizar

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 10:21 AM PDT

    Found 4 of the 5 quite easily, but that stupid bat, Muzbuk, is proving to be impossible. I have been camping on the hill beside the gate to Tar-kutoz for days now. Every now and then I go around the camp to get up beside the warding tower, on the other side of the gate.

    Been doing this since Saturday. No bat. Saw it once, on the weekend, as I was going through the gate. When I got to the top of the hill 2 minutes later, it was gone. Haven't seen it since.

    It feels like something is broken here. The others were easy to find, even stumbled across the ox yesterday by accident. But no bat.

    Thank you for reading my rant.

    submitted by /u/lopix
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    Black screen after clicking play

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 05:04 PM PDT

    After picking the server and clicking play, I am greeted with a black screen no matter how many times I try. Is there any way to fix this?

    submitted by /u/RedWriter_24
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    Legendary servers - question

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 11:09 AM PDT

    Hello, what is the current population of the legendary servers? Id like to jump in to the server which has only the base game available now. I already know that VIP is required but what about expansions? When they introduce an expansion to the legendary server will I have to buy that expansion?

    submitted by /u/bangier
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    How many of you are running reshade? Also, does it make that much of a difference?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 05:34 AM PDT

    Hi everyone. I decided to come back to LOTRO after about 10 years. In that time, I've played countless other MMOs, and I honestly forgot all about LOTRO until I saw a recent YouTube video talking about it, and it brought back some major nostalgia.

    Anyways, I downloaded it and installed the HD texture pack. I also have the settings totally maxed out, but the game still looks a bit dated since my most recent MMO was ESO. I found a few posts about reshade, and I'm wondering if it's worth installing if I'm wanting an even greater graphics boost?

    submitted by /u/slash8915
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