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    Thursday, February 25, 2021

    Lord of the Rings Online | when people *still* ask if it's a WoW clone

    Lord of the Rings Online | when people *still* ask if it's a WoW clone

    when people *still* ask if it's a WoW clone

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 11:41 AM PST

    Baldur's Gate Reference in the "drunk" icon

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 01:30 AM PST

    Baldur's Gate Reference in the "drunk" icon

    Hi all !

    I don't know if this has been posted yet, but I noticed that when you're drunk, the icon displayed on the top left corner is a reference to a dwarf potrait in Baldur's Gate. Don't know if it is intentional.


    submitted by /u/Ghinks
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    "The woods shall wave on mountains. And grass beneath the sun; His wealth shall flow in fountains And the rivers golden run."

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 11:20 PM PST

    Eastern Rohan: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 03:15 PM PST

    The Good: Horn, Nona, Corudan, and GlƩowine, along with my herald feel like a proper fellowship, and I love it. I'm in book 10 right now, so don't spoil anything, but following in the footsteps of Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas with my own little fellowship is awesome. I also just really enjoy the plot and the environment. Having an increase in difficulty has also been somewhat enjoyable.

    The Bad: There's zero point to the reputation system in Wildermore other than to buy consumables. I can't imagine trying to do these war bands and grind for the rep rewards unless you were on a server with a max level around 85. 85 right now is an awkward level, and I've only run into a handful of other people during my entire time in East Rohan.

    The Ugly: Mounted combat. Everything about it. I can't chase a single enemy without aggro-ing every other enemy in a mile radius. I'll often go about my fetch quests while a warg circles me for 5+ minutes. I can imagine this being fun on a hunter or warden (have a warden in the 60's that I could see this being fun on with Ambush, ranged stance, etc.), but as a cappy with only the medium steed's base skills, this sucks.

    submitted by /u/ISpyM8
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    Pet Portraiture

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 09:22 AM PST

    Client stutter on weapon swap

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 01:44 AM PST

    Hi all,

    since I have mained blue guardian for a long time I never really needed to weapon swap, but I started looking into that now for a sprint duration weapon and for other characters like champ and captain as they get closer to 130. I have noticed that on my guard the client freezes on weapon swap for a split second, and that makes me wonder:

    - should that stutter be happening at all or is my setup wrong somewhere?

    - if the stutter is expected, does one have to get used to it for the constant weapon swapping on DPS classes?

    submitted by /u/eatsmandms
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    How did you guys do it? I'm finding it so, so hard.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 12:41 PM PST

    This is probably more of a rant than anything, so apologies in advance!

    I've been playing on and off for a few years but have never got further than Rohan. I get stuck, create a new character, repeat.

    I decided this time I was actually going to do it and have tried to stick to quite a solo completionist path with my hobbit minstral. All was fine until Rohan again.

    It started with Kingsmead, when you have to defeat the leader of the riders. It's a level 86 quest - I only managed to complete it at level 91. I've been catching up with the Edoras quests but pretty much every quest since kingsmead has been a nightmare! Every baddie on horseback quest has taken me several goes over a couple of days just to complete. I'm now stuck on the cheering Eoywn up instance and I've spent the entire evening getting annihilated. It's a level 86 solo quest and it's just so disheartening. It only takes about three blows for the archers to knock me off my horse, I have that damn troll chasing me (and stunning him to give me time to get back on the horse doesn't help much).

    Do I just suck at the game? Does it get any easier, or worse, harder? Am I missing something in terms of skills?

    Thank you for coming to my pity party. Any advice is greatly appreciated, as I love this game and really want to make it past Rohan!

    submitted by /u/vervenna101
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    Classes that weapon swap the least to push high end content

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 02:11 PM PST

    so I leveled a hunter to 60, then found out about the weapon swap mechanic at end game and I dispise it in any game, turns out hunters change for pretty much every ability so im looking for something that doesnt swap to much, so far ive settled on yellow captain because it only swaps for the 1 big defensive cooldown, are there any other classes you could recommend ?

    submitted by /u/ffaazz
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    Raid Kinships

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 04:16 PM PST

    Hey guys, i'm a fairly casual player with a couple max levels, (play every 2nd-ish day), and i only need to run AD t3+ and a couple remm runs but it seems all the groups run through kinships pretty much. i was wondering if there are any good max level kins that would run them with me / take me in?

    submitted by /u/Tomorrow_Material
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    Quest Let Them Hunger

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 01:01 PM PST

    Hi everyone,

    Small question about the quest Let Them Hunger. This is the quest that has to be done in Warg Pens of Dol Goldur . When I google it, I read that this quest has to be done at level cap and at tier 2. These sources are quite old and I wonder if it's true still. Mainly because I find it quite stupid if this is indeed the case. The quest is for 65, but if you indeed need to finish it at level cap you need to be (or have) a level 130 to walk through the instance.

    Would love some advice on how to finish this quest. Thanks

    submitted by /u/talitm
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    Questions from a newbie

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 12:21 PM PST

    Hi guys - I'm sure these questions are really silly and I apologize for that. Just hoping someone can explain what a (1) raid is and what a (2) skirmish is? Are the raids and skirmishes basically PvP? What's the difference between them? Do you have to join these in a group? What is the point of participating in these?

    I'm a really casual solo player and I keep ignoring any quests related to these things but just wondering if I should start participating. If it helps, I'm really mostly playing to see the LOTRO world - am not a fan of PvP.

    Thank y'all so much for your help. :)

    submitted by /u/CthulhusMistress
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    Skyrim map is small when compared to other ones but it feels huge -- anyone know where LOTRO would fit in?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 11:55 AM PST

    Help me create a Hobbit surname!

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 07:11 AM PST

    Hi all!

    I'm trying to create a Hobbit roleplaying character and would love some help deciding on a surname. I've seen that some Hobbits have 'foot' in their surname, so which sounds better for my Hobbit?

    Littlefoot or Smallfoot?

    Thank you! :)

    submitted by /u/TargetTricky
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    hey guys since today‘s update my loading screen is blacked out. it still works but I wonder what‘s the issue for that. Has anyone experienced something similar?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 12:06 PM PST

    Rage of The Erui

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 08:21 AM PST

    I haven't a clue what I keep doing wrong on this instance but I keep being killed pretty quickly by the Armour of the Usurper, the quest with the 5 river sisters.

    I'm hugely O/P at Lvl 109 (with a pretty much maxed out SLC FA Weapon) and it's the first quest I've had trouble with since maybe Angmar, but I keep dying very quickly even though I get his health down sharpish too. It's as though my own health is tied to his and he gets the advantage of a few extra shots.

    I'm sure it must be a mechanical thing, but I can't work out the issue and have died 4 times now. What am I doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/daleyboy1234
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