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    Sunday, February 28, 2021

    Lord of the Rings Online | Moonlit Weathertop

    Lord of the Rings Online | Moonlit Weathertop

    Moonlit Weathertop

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 05:23 PM PST

    Eregion at dawn with a goat.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 06:32 PM PST

    [New Player Shenanigans] I am impressed by this game

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 11:07 PM PST

    I added the game to my Steam library a long while ago and I only remember playing barely a few minutes and uninstalling it. Don't really remember why.

    This evening, I told myself to give it another shot. Having completed most of the content in WoW and GW2 at the moment, I was looking for another story/challenge to tackle; so I booted up LOTRO. I didn't have any expectations about the game, I kept my Google searches about the game as objective as possible in order not to get tainted by haters nor die-hard fans.

    And I must say, I'm impressed.

    It's not the most beautiful MMO out there, but that's not what I'm looking for either. The game launched in 1024x768 (for some odd reason), but I fixed it and downloaded the high resolution files as well. The game looks alright, similar to ESO I would say.

    But that's not what impressed me the most. I found the game to be extremely fluid and very responsive when I was doing my actions. I played some other older MMOs and god damn they're clunky. But LOTRO is perfectly fluid and my actions are done, in order and on time.

    And holy shit the amount of content there is! The intro quests show you the different game features and what you unlock from level to level and such. I had the reflex to right-click when in the map, zooming out three times and I was, once again, impressed by the scale of things. I also saw a ton of deeds and quests being given to me; as well as raids/dungeons and stories being able to be bought from the store.

    I'm currently playing a Human Gondor Captain on Arkenstone called Fimebor (fee-meh-bor), enjoying my mismatched gear pieces and my loud as hell screams (startled me a couple of times tbh) and having quite some fun, even if I'm still in the tutorial zone and only level 8 as I write this post. Feel free to shoot me an in-game mail!

    Anyways, just wanted to say hi and say that I enjoyed my first few moments in the game up to now. I'm looking forward to playing more, gaining more levels and some insights on how I should proceed if I feel I want to commit to the game? Do I get a VIP status? Do I need to buy the XPACs? Lots of the links in the sidebars are pretty old, some guidance on this would be appreciated.


    submitted by /u/axxurge
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    [Crickhollow] Bullroarer Took day Pub Crawl - March 14th

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 03:55 PM PST

    Time Limited XP Boosts

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 05:20 PM PST

    So what's the most effective way to use a time limited XP boost? I was guessing skirmishes but was curious if there were other options.

    Edit: should mention that the characters I'm interested in boosting are low thirties to mid forties.

    submitted by /u/Eldestruct0
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    Best loremaster traits and abilities for soloing/duoing for lower levels?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 02:34 PM PST

    Returned player here.

    I got five charas and level quiet decently with all but my loremaster. It feels really slow to kill enemies (I went yellow trait) and I wonder what the most efficient ability usage/ability order is to kill enemies quickly. Am also grateful for any general tips. My character already has so many abilities that I feel kinda overwhelmed by the options.

    I play solo or duo all the time and am around level 30 with all my characters now.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Omnilatent
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    Level 60 cap kinships on Evernight?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 09:15 AM PST

    Are there any level 60 kins on Evernight? I'm EU player and want to play the game content piece by piece. Want to stop at Moria. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Triballone
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