• Breaking News

    Tuesday, February 2, 2021

    Lord of the Rings Online | At lvl 103 I decided that it would be time to get myself my first house to get away from all the adventures I got myself into <3

    Lord of the Rings Online | At lvl 103 I decided that it would be time to get myself my first house to get away from all the adventures I got myself into <3

    At lvl 103 I decided that it would be time to get myself my first house to get away from all the adventures I got myself into <3

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 12:04 AM PST

    Rohan and the Great River area are so pretty

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 12:33 AM PST

    Storm on Methedras

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 07:32 PM PST

    Storm on Methedras

    Storm on Methedras

    Went on another lvl 25 run, and honestly those are fun in a good group. Trouble at Tuckborough (how I wish they DID something with skirmishes), Stand at Amon Sul and finally Storm on Methedras . With six people. Easy? yes. Fun? hell yes.

    submitted by /u/Juanrayo
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    Returning player, how to gear

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 06:34 PM PST

    I'm a level 64 Hunter, returning after a really long time away. How can I evaluate whether my gear is good or not? Item levels are all over the place but mostly at 60. I can't find any gear close to my level on the AH.

    For my LIs, the minimum item levels are 60 and 61, should I plan to upgrade those at 70?

    For reference, I'm coming from FFXIV where I relied on ilvl and BiS. The amount of level 60 armor I've passed on in Moria because my level 55 piece has better stats is a little overwhelming.

    submitted by /u/caraliniel
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    Terrible player wanting to level a Warden. What's my best bet for surviving?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 01:11 PM PST

    Been playing for years but with simpler classes like guardian and beorning without ever really knowing what I was doing.

    I want to start another melee class and I've played Warden a few times before, but quit because I felt it would be too hard for me as a casual player. Now that I've run of melee DPS classes to play I want to try it again (champions bore me).

    Which trait tree is the best for soloing? I'm not likely to get past level 80 or so because that's when my computer stops running the game properly. Does anyone have any other up to date advise to survive up to that point? Sorry for the vague question. I'm level 13 now. Cheers!

    submitted by /u/Alec_Guinness
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    So this is one of the awesome Mordor ultimate cosmetics but essentially what is this armor, lore wise? Is it armor of man with allegiance to Mordor? And what is the awesome sigil on the chest?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 07:53 AM PST

    Returned UK based player looking for a home - Evernight

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 12:43 PM PST

    Used to play a lot about 10 years ago (on Eldar) and dipped in and out a few times since then. I have been scratching the itch to play again so I have been running around on my mini main doing book quests I missed. My chat channels are looking very empty.

    I am a 46 year old, mostly social, causal, UK based player looking for a kin. Will probably most evenings and some time over the weekend. Not sure which kins are still active.


    submitted by /u/Kaledis00
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    Reputation drops now quest gated?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 06:52 PM PST

    I haven't played in about a week, and suddenly all of the reputation items I'm picking up from mobs (Well-Kept Mathoms, Dourhand Crests, Lossoth spears, etc.) are now in red boxes and demand I complete a specific quest to be able to use this. This is new and annoying and must have happened with the last update? Whyyyyyyyyy?? šŸ˜«

    submitted by /u/melanyebaggins
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    Crick Hollow vs Arkenstone

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 01:17 PM PST

    Hi All, Ive been playing on my own the past couple weeks on Arkenstone and having fun. My buddy is considering hopping back in but he's got a 59 Minstrel on Crick Hollow, Im only 22 atm on Arkenstone. Ive seen it said many times Arkenstone is the highest populated server. So I wanted to ask how does Crick Hollow compare population wise and since we'll be leveling what is the population like in different level ranges?

    Is it worth switching over for me so he can play his 59 or would it be wiser considering we both have lots of leveling to do for me to convince my friend to roll on Arkenstone and catch up to me?

    submitted by /u/philefluxx
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    missing things

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 12:32 PM PST

    How do I handle a lot of missing things from my deluxe house. My upkeep is good through the first week of March and I doubled checked escrow just to make sure the things weren't there.

    submitted by /u/Xpovoc
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    How to spend my money

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 10:12 AM PST

    So I have been away for along time. A lot has changed. I am a plodder and have just got to LVL 40 and I am now starting to plan for the future.

    Should I become a VIP? Or should I invest in the Expansion Trove? (don't say both)

    submitted by /u/dabblingdave
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