• Breaking News

    Friday, January 29, 2021

    Lord of the Rings Online | Bring it on, elf!

    Lord of the Rings Online | Bring it on, elf!

    Bring it on, elf!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 12:49 AM PST

    I always emote /wave to them

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 06:52 AM PST

    Update 28.3.1 Release Notes

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 08:26 PM PST

    New player looking to lite-RP, which server?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 10:24 PM PST

    Hello everyone!

    I just downloaded this game and I'm about to embark on an epic journey through out middle earth.

    I enjoy role-playing, quite a lot actually BUT I don't see myself attending hardcore RP events regularly, or actively seeking out RPs.

    But I do like to keep most/all of my human interactions in game in character because I think it adds to the immersion, wether I am questing or just wandering around exploring.

    So I've been thinking about which server I should play on, I read that Laurelin is the go-to server for RPing. But I do not know if I am a hard-core enough RPer to play there.

    I don't crave the organised RP events and guilds as much as I care about a well populated server, because I have heard Laurelins population is on the weaker side. (Disclaimer, that's just what I've read)

    Is role-playing accepted on the non-rp servers or will I be treated like a freak just because I am talking in character?

    Thanks in advance and I am looking forward to this adventure.

    submitted by /u/willekrona
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    New Player looking for Kinship

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 05:07 PM PST

    I am brand new to lotro and am looking to join a kinship. I am a casual f2p player on the Brandywine server. Zailori is the name of my level 7 dwarven minstrel. If any kinships are interested in a new player, please let me know!

    submitted by /u/TheDeadHornet
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    Strange graphic/texture glitch?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 02:43 PM PST

    I'm having this issue where I'm struggling to see some textures such as high-quality lighting or even the selected target circle on the floor anywhere but BEHIND my character. When I move in front of these things, then they appear behind my toon. And now it's decided to even do it with quest rings, which is obviously now a bigger problem!!! Any one know what it could be?

    submitted by /u/stacek94
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    Weapon swapping tips/tricks help

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 04:21 PM PST

    Hey all, I (130 hunter) finally finished upgrading my second bow, in order to fully utilize different legacies. I am wondering if there are any tips, tricks, plugins etc to help me swap bows easier!

    submitted by /u/woutie3000
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    returning to LOTRO after long time

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 11:52 AM PST

    Is there any way to get my old character back which I had on Snowburn server which is not working anymore?

    submitted by /u/Mike9x9
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    Mordor or “evil” looking armor sets?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 04:59 PM PST

    I was wondering if anyone knows where to get any either Mordor or Servant of Evil kinda looking armor, I know about the Mordor armor but anything else?

    submitted by /u/ImperialFistJake
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    F2P and the new consumable reputation item patch

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 11:54 AM PST

    It hurts me to see after my hiatus from the game, that my stacks of unused consumable reputation items are now useless to me... I like the Idea that you have to complete some quest in order to be able to use these so that there is a decrease in the ammount of automated rep item farms, but those quests should not be locked to f2p by letting them behind the region questpack requirement. It was a way to steadily gain LP to unlock more important things as a f2p so that you don't have to grind mindlessly all of the deeds. (completing the moria rep is my worst nightmare now :D)

    Tl;dr: pure f2p players need to buy region questpacks in order to ever use rep items again - excluding the free regions ofc. Rip gaining any ammount of easy LP points from now on... :D

    submitted by /u/PixeldwellerPlaysMMO
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