• Breaking News

    Wednesday, December 9, 2020

    Lord of the Rings Online | Dawn in the North Downs

    Lord of the Rings Online | Dawn in the North Downs

    Dawn in the North Downs

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 05:38 PM PST

    What about second lotro?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 12:32 AM PST

    Yep, I love this game

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 06:07 AM PST

    Best yellow line build for Beorning

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 05:12 PM PST

    Hello all

    Recently I've gotten back into playing my Beorning and was wondering what the best build for him would be. I did some research and found yellow line is the best right now for them. Was wondering if anyone could give me some tips or attach an image of their Beorning build to help me build mine


    submitted by /u/BendingPhysics
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    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 11:07 AM PST

    Polnolunie's 8th music video

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 10:16 AM PST

    So, as I reported a few days earlier -- here is my new music clip, was released just 15 min ago. Yes, the events shown in the clip were filmed with maximum reliability. Enjoy watching!


    submitted by /u/Grombine
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    Virtue xp lost after reaching cap?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 10:11 AM PST

    So with the help of the recent Valar sale, I was able to cap all of the virtues on my main character. What happens to all the xp I am now periodically earning from deeds? Is it lost forever or does it somehow apply to future virtue ranks as they increase the cap?

    submitted by /u/ConfoundingChaos
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    Crafting guild recipes disappeared?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 12:07 PM PST

    Hi guys, im leveling my Taylor guild rep, and i bought but didnt Craft the t3,4 and 5 gear recipes from the guild. But i dont know why, but those recipes dont appear in my crafting menu. When i try to buy them again, i cant learn them cuz its says that i already know them. Am i missing something here?

    submitted by /u/Ighnur
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    Eriador Bundle sale

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 11:46 AM PST

    The Eriador bundle sale (75%) says it's now through December 10th.

    Just confirming so that includes December 10th? And when (what time/time zone) does it end?


    submitted by /u/Sadrien6
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    After 8 years...

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 03:27 AM PST

    Hey so as the title says I left the game back in 2012. And I also left this cool kin behind, house of batiatus. I know the probability might be slim but is the guild still a thing? Are there any former members out there? Fin? Officers? It was in the Windfola server.

    Also I started a LM and RK, due to not wanting to learn the Warden (63) all over again šŸ™ƒ, so I'm just wondering is crafting worth it? Are the Staves and runes from crafting worth the time or is the quest gear better in terms of damage and Stats. EDIT: I'm thinking of using my Warden to buy mats for my low levels. I have around 6g 12s and idk how many copper, that should be enough to lvl up my crafting right?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Push-not-pull
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    Are there any actually challenging mid-level instances?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 05:01 AM PST

    I recently started playing again after leaving shortly after Mirkwood was released and am now leveling with two friends. Of course the landscape quests are extremely easy, but we hoped we could find some challenges in instances. So far we have done the Great Barrow and Garth Agarwen (with a Lore-master, Champion and Minstrel) and both were much easier than I remembered. We only wear quest gear, but didn't wipe a single time. Are all instances going to be that easy until we reach the endlevel? Is there even any point in trying things like Carn Dum or the Moria instances in the hopes of finding a real challenge? I've also seen that people are now apparently able to solo the Rift on level, so is this kind of difficulty intended?

    submitted by /u/IlikeGollumsdick
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