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    Monday, November 9, 2020

    Lord of the Rings Online | Racing Mounts Around Thorin's Hall Inn... Because We Can!

    Lord of the Rings Online | Racing Mounts Around Thorin's Hall Inn... Because We Can!

    Racing Mounts Around Thorin's Hall Inn... Because We Can!

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 06:36 PM PST

    A Beorning joins the Inn League

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 06:15 AM PST

    Lotro Revisited - Into the Lonelands

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 06:52 PM PST

    Looking for an active Arkenstone Kinship

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 06:57 PM PST

    I started playing again fairly recently and have been looking for an active kinship on Arkenstone after playing for a bit on Brandywine but not really finding anything that stuck. Started a fresh new toon so I would gradually remember how to play as I work my way up to level 130, so I got a long way to go on her before she hits max.

    Would appriciate any suggestions or what have you. :)

    ~Fannelir, High Elf Captain

    submitted by /u/Rimeraz
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    [Evernight] Slowtro is heading to deep dark of Moria

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 12:53 PM PST

    Slowtro is heading to Moria on 28th of November!

    Slowtro is a kinship on Evernight where we are doing content on the original level. Currently we have two level cap groups: Level 115 and level 50 (60 on 28th). Come and enjoy Moria/Mordor with us. You only need Stone of the Tortoise (100LP on the store). We are doing all kinds of content from kin events to chicken runs and from Urugarth with vendor gear to Rift T3 runs.

    You can contact us by joining our user chat channel (type /joinchannel Slowtro) and ask for invite or more information. Of course you can also contact our wonderful officer team including Ceodriel, Hrimsc, Rodestel, Lythvar, Nethlael, Friezaa and Flaster.

    See you in Moria.


    submitted by /u/Junafani
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    Current state of beornings

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 04:58 PM PST

    Hey guys! Just wanted your opinion on the current state of beornings. Do you guys think they are in a good position? Do they rival other classes? Is it worth picking them over other classes? Finally, what line do you guys prefer?

    Any input would be appreciated! Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/Meero98
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    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:30 PM PST

    Im wanting to get back into lotro but have a lower quality laptop any tips for a broke college guy

    submitted by /u/Affectionate_Hippo25
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    Class advice

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 12:13 PM PST

    Hi, I am new to lotro and wanted to ask you some advice on classes. I absolutely love the world of Middle Earth, read all the books, watched the movies. I want it to be a nice ambiance where I can retreat sometimes and forget about the world. That being said, can anyone tell me about the classes in short and what would you recommend as a DPS? I want to be useful to other players if I can.

    submitted by /u/jamespedala
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    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 01:45 PM PST

    Does anyone know when expansions get on sale or when SSG puts double/triple lotro points in the store? I know it will probably be on christmas but will there be a time before that?

    submitted by /u/DemianEsesin
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    Runekeeper or Warden?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 08:38 AM PST

    Hello folks im farming LP right now to unluck one of this classes (only 200 to go), so i wanted to know which one is more enganging and fun in combat? Im not looking for an op class just something that is enjoyable, dont mind if take too long to kill mobs. And since i only can buy one for the moment i dont want to fk up lol. I just want to see what you recommend and what like/dislike about those classes, cheers and have a great sunday.

    submitted by /u/Rowtros
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    Old player looking for advice.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 08:03 AM PST

    Hey guys, unfortunately lost my toons from back in 2013 due to the server closures. No worries though, restarted and now got my main up to level 30..

    Has anyone got any tips on how to keep levelling? I'm not sure what quest packs to buy at this stage, or if its finally time to get myself a few months of VIP.

    Any tips are welcome!

    submitted by /u/RobC0895
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    Retaking Pelargir: Epic - Question/Rant

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 08:54 AM PST

    I skipped the Helms Deep Epic Battle and opted to go the more traditional questy route after playing with the Epic Battle system and I'm glad I had the option. But now that I've hit the Retaking Pelargir part of the epic quest, I don't see a way to get avoid the Epic. I keep dying/failing, and from what I've read I am EpicTM under-traited, and my choices seem to be weeks of grinding Helms Deep so that I can get ranked up enough to have a shot.

    As a solo Captain, I built for survivability in PVE and I am not thrilled about this weird barrier to following the epic quest. I guess I can spend points for Epic Battle traits, but I already have a VIP sub and the idea of spending more money so that I can complete an Epic quest is very off-putting. I have spent a few hours doing battles and it's a veeeery slow grind in scenarios that seem designed to piss you off as much as possible. I lose like, a LOT.

    Am I missing some way of doing Pelargir without the Epic Battle? Or am I stuck here until I pay-to-win or grind meaningless battles over and over again (in which case, I'm canceling my VIP sub and probably turning the damned thing off for several years again).

    submitted by /u/bourbon_planning
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    [Arkenstone] Looking for an endgame kin

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 04:35 AM PST

    Greetings. I've played off and on since launch. I really drifted after Helms Deep (and the death of raiding). I have been gradually making my way back through the content since then with the addition of more raiding content. As I approach level cap, I would really like to fall in with a group on Arkenstone that does endgame. I am a previously experienced raider. My main has always been a minnie. Any advice would be really appreciated. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/fuschino
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