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    Saturday, May 9, 2020

    Lord of the Rings Online | Moon over the Last Homely House

    Lord of the Rings Online | Moon over the Last Homely House

    Moon over the Last Homely House

    Posted: 08 May 2020 10:19 PM PDT

    Capital of Arnor, Annúminas

    Posted: 08 May 2020 03:20 PM PDT

    Andy Serkis is reading the Hobbit live on YouTube!!!

    Posted: 08 May 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    Evening in Forochel

    Posted: 08 May 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    Sky is falling down - hunters buffed

    Posted: 08 May 2020 01:08 PM PDT



    Update 26.1 Aiming for Next Week, No Bullroarer

    Hunter Changes Overview:

    • Hunter Bow Skills are going up, almost across the board. AoE skills are being generally improved.
    • Hunter Melee and Trap Skills will be mostly going way up because they fell far behind.
    • Melee skills will now generate focus.
    • A number of the longer secondary skill cooldowns have been reduced.
    • Skills should generally feel more balanced in your rotations with more useful options available
    • Improved Penetrating Shot mitigation debuff magnitude is being reduced slightly but now applies to tactical as well as physical for greater group utility.
    • The cooldown for Dazing Blow is being reduced by about 2/3rds
    • The Low Cut cooldown has been increased from about 5 to 10 seconds and its base AOE targets reduced
    • Set Trap induction has been reduced by about 1/4
    • Most Bow Skil Damage has Been Increased, generally the worse a skill was before the more a bump it is getting
    • Damage on all melee and traps has been increased greatly and most melee attacks will now generate focus

    Blue Line

    • Scourging Blow Bleed removal now does heavy additional damage, about 2-3 pulses of barbed arrow
    • Split Shot now costs 2 focus and has had its induction reduced by about 1/3rd and its damage has been greatly increased

    Red Line

    • Upshot Cooldown is being reduced from about 20 to 15 seconds but the crit reduction now only removes 1 second per crit rather than 2 seconds
    • Heart Seeker's base cooldown has been reduced
    • The Shelob set bonus has been changed from -30 seconds Heart Seeker Cooldown to about -15 seconds
    • Rain of Arrows cooldown has been increased slightly but its damage has also been increased. The rain of arrows focus cost has been increased as well.
    • Hail of Arrows will no longer reduce Rain of Arrows' cooldown instantly, instead it may reduce Rain of Arrows cooldown by 2 seconds for each crit scored with Rain of Arrows, thus firing on larger groups of enemies can result in a faster skill cycle. The 30 second cooldown on Hail of Arrows has been removed.

    Yellow Line

    • Tripwire has had its cooldown reduced
    • Lingering Wound now costs 2 focus and instant damage has been increased.
    • Rain of Thorns has had its cooldown reduced by about 2/3rds and damage substantially increased. Now Costs less focus. Raid Set bonus has been reduced from about 60 seconds to about 15 seconds-ish
    • The One Trap has had its cooldown reduced - its instant damage has increased greatly but damage over time damage has been reduced. Now costs 1 focus.
    • Piercing trap has had its cooldown reduced and now costs 1 focus.
    • Explosive Arrow has had its cooldown reduced.
    • Deadly Decoy has had its cooldown reduced.
    submitted by /u/Drannor_
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    Valacirca and aurora Borealis over Forochel

    Posted: 08 May 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    The LOTRO Beacon: Issue 159 (Content creators/streamers, Anniversary Sale continues, Free +5 Hope Boost x5)

    Posted: 08 May 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    Reposting as there are many new and returning players lately!

    Posted: 08 May 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    Which race would you choose for PvP/PvE speaking of Burglar class?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/Vamlorn
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    quick questions from a new player

    Posted: 08 May 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    Hey y'all, I've started playing LotRO recently and a few things have been unclear to me. Since many of the comments under the linked beginner tips posts have been deleted so I thought I'd make a short post here.

    1. Are the beginning questlines race-based, and approximately how long do they take to complete? I started as a grey elf on the Gladden server and the beginning quests seem to be specifically tailored to elves. My friend is about to start playing as well but wants to play as a different race, but I'm concerned that it may be a while before we can actually play together.
    2. Is there any consistent form of fast-travel besides recalling to the most recently activated waypoint? The world map's size seems to be in the ballpark of that of Daggerfall, which is absolutely torturous to traverse without fast-travel, and may honestly steer me away from playing the game much beyond the first several questlines if no faster options are available. The hour-long cooldown on the aforementioned recall ability is a bit problematic for me as well.
    3. Is there a form of mass storage unlocked later in the game, or are you expected to sell any unnecessary items? I've heard that a subscription unlocks more bag space, but even so it seems that certain items would pile up over time. I'm not exactly sure what the genre norm is since I'm new to MMORPGs as a whole, so apologies if that's a sucky question.
    4. I'm just being nitpicky with this question, but how well do the events of the game line up with the lore? From what I can tell, it takes place between The Hobbit and FotR (which seems to house about 90% of LotR video games), so does it interfere with the main story at all? It's not a major turnoff for me if the lore is a bit shaky, but it would be nice to know what to expect going in.

    Thanks, y'all!

    submitted by /u/redshredr
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    Fps problem part 3(pls read before you downvote)

    Posted: 08 May 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    This is the third post I make on this subject concerning a problem I have with fps and lotro.To give you a quick summary I downloaded the game and since I have an old laptop set everything to low and started playing.I managed to get easily 60 fps minimum at areas like bree and it could go all the way up to 180.Then all of a sudden I log in and my fps is 15 at best.I tried restarting my laptop,made sure I was using my nvidia graphics card and no other apps were running on the background but no luck.I also checked and made sure my laptop wasn't in power saving mode or didnt lose performance due to battery related issues but still no luck.I tried repairing the game and installing and uninstalling but it only seemed to fix the problem temporally(basically if I I unistall and install the first time I log in my fps are normal but If I log out or play later in the day they are back to crap). Its getting really frustrating not being able to play and progress,I even bought the quad pack thinking I want to play this game long term not only while it's free due to quarantine,but now I feel like a complete idiot who wasted his money.Sorry for the long post I just dont know what to do anymore.Any help is really appreciated.Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/VagosSkon
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    Instances - help

    Posted: 08 May 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    I am quite new to the game and just wondering if people still do instances? i don't know how it works. can i do solo instances?

    submitted by /u/MorrowGaming
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    Enmity with the cultists - where to find them

    Posted: 08 May 2020 08:40 AM PDT


    I'm a young (lvl 41) stoutaxe dwarf struggling to find cultists to kill and complete my deeds.
    Where can I find them?

    submitted by /u/Serpe
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    Reshade or other ways to beef up graphics

    Posted: 08 May 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    A long while ago I used to play very frequently. In recent years I haven't really played. Due to everything going on I'm looking to get back into the game. Unfortauntely when loading in it looks like reshade no longer is functioning on the client I'm running.

    Is there any threads or resources for reshade or something similiar to get the game looking a little bit "spiffier"?

    (Disclaimer: I know that reshade does not make the graphics "better" but some bloom and other settings did make the game look better to /me/ and the last time I used reshade I know it was quite popular.)

    submitted by /u/Starrywisdom_reddit
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    Windows client under Wine on current MacOS?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    Hi! I realize that neither lotro.com nor Steam will make it possible to run LotRO on the current MacOS, but what about running the Windows client under Wine? Has anyone else found any solution?

    Thanks for any help.

    submitted by /u/Sarnpeth
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    What classes/races are included in expansions?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 05:10 AM PDT

    Title says it all basically. I am debating to buy some classes now during the sale. However, I'm not entirely sure which of those I will get anyway when purchasing the expansions someday. I heard that Warden and Rune Keeper are included in the Moria expansion, for instance (is that right?). If anyone could indicate whether or not others are included in expansions as well, I'd be very grateful :)

    submitted by /u/superginger19
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