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    Sunday, November 10, 2019

    Lord of the Rings Online | Beautiful Sunrise in the Lone Lands

    Lord of the Rings Online | Beautiful Sunrise in the Lone Lands

    Beautiful Sunrise in the Lone Lands

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 05:49 PM PST


    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 07:37 AM PST

    Cannot select this character right now

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 11:19 PM PST

    Hello all.Yesterday at Evernight we had massive lag.I logged off to go to dinner and when i came back my login with my main character never loaded(i waited a lot). So I closed the game,and tried to relog,only for the game to show 'you cannot select this character right now'. I eventually logged an alt,and i could see my main character logged in,and I STILL see him online in my kinship's roster.Kinnies tell me not to worry,it happens due to lots of lags,I submitted a ticket but never got an answer.Is there any other way or does anyone have some kind of idea what I can do? thank you

    submitted by /u/suntprost
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    My High Elf decided to spaz out today for whatever reason.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 02:01 PM PST

    Need help from any experienced Warden players

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 03:49 AM PST

    I've just gotten Warden to lvl21 and been assaulted with all of the additional gambit combinations and skills. If anyone would be kind enough to strip down this whole class to the absolute essential gambits i'd be very grateful. (Single target and AoE is what i'm looking for)

    Just for clarification I've no real interest in the tanking side of things, so just the the redline DPS stuff is all i'm looking to learn right now. If anyone could break down what I need just by levels i'd be extremely in you debt.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/GammaSlap
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    outside of shared storage, what's a Kinship for?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 02:23 PM PST

    I see people getting hung up on which server and which kin to play on. Outside of having sweet housing storage for others in the kin, what's the point? It seems like its a big deal.

    I'm a solo player, and I have a kin with 1 other person IRL so we can share some loot and thats it.

    submitted by /u/edthesmokebeard
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    Returning Player looking for best pve realm

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 08:22 AM PST

    Hi everyone, I'm going to be returning to the game soon and I'd like to find the best realm for me. I'm in NA and I mainly want to PvE but also some light RP too is good. What's the best server I should join?

    submitted by /u/npnbf
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    Total Number of crystals etc to level a brand new first age?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 07:51 AM PST

    Hi friends, anyone have a quick count on this?

    Is it worth starting one fresh these days?

    submitted by /u/starflux32
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    Game is suddenly running my CPU incredibly hot

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 12:36 PM PST

    LOTRO has been a go-to for me lately since I play on a gaming laptop that has terrible thermals. I've gone to the necessary lengths (undervolding CPU, running on a cooling pad, keeping everything dust-free, etc) to customize my PC to run cool enough to play most modern games, and recently have been okay running games like Control, the Outer Worlds, and a Plague Tale. As you can imagine, LOTRO was always good at clocking low on the temperatures since it's older and less intense on my machine.

    Well, ever since the new update, my CPU gets HOT! (up to 90c idling in North Downs just now). Anyone else experiencing this? Curious if it's more common than I'm experiencing. I did get a driver update to my GPU recently but I'm not a major PC building pro, so I can't immediately see the link between a GPU update and increased load on CPU, but I wouldn't doubt that could be part of it.

    submitted by /u/kamolahy
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    Launcher download A LOT of files all the times

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 08:31 AM PST

    Launcher download A LOT of files all the times

    Hello to all! Please help me with this matter. Everytime I try to run the launcher of LOTRO it seems like it downloads many new files, but I really doubt it is the case. I already tried to let it download whatever it keeps downloading, close right after the process is done and then re-launch. Turns out the result is the same: it still spends a lot of minutes doing it all over again! Is there any way I can avoid it to happen? Or at least to know what are all those files it keep downloading everytime? Thanks in advance!


    submitted by /u/turtleben
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    Help for: Bevy o Bars Plugin

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 04:05 AM PST

    Hello, I installed the Bevy O Bars Plugin recently through the Compendium and reinstalled it manually but when I load the Plugin I don't have any Modules to choose from?

    I found no solution online and no person in World chat could help me

    submitted by /u/Leertaste21
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