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    Wednesday, November 6, 2019

    Lord of the Rings Online | This high elf has seen some s***

    Lord of the Rings Online | This high elf has seen some s***

    This high elf has seen some s***

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 08:58 PM PST

    Some views in LotRO are surprising!

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:56 PM PST

    Some views in LotRO are surprising!


    I did not expect to see so much from the heights of the High Knolls! Clear view on Parth Celebrant and swamps of Rushgore.

    I love LotRO because of such moments of grandeur!

    submitted by /u/Ratharim
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    PSA: Servers are back up

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 09:27 AM PST

    Updating now, time to return to middle-earth

    Edit: Servers are back down, apparently enemies aren't moving properly, but you can still update your client.

    Edit2: Latest update: Should be back up in about an hour

    Hopefully Final Edit: Servers are actually back up again

    submitted by /u/Elidorn
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    Morthrangh's late night debauchery thread

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 10:50 AM PST

    Long ago in a distant land, I, Aku, the shape shifting master of darkn - That's not right.

    Long ago on a distant server, I, Morthrangh, a regular everyday normal Blackarrow, unleashed an unspeakable evil! But a foolish game company closed a lot of servers and the unspeakable evil was lost forever. The end.

    Hey guys. Today I want to share something with you that's near and dear to my heart. I hate that it's buried with all the dead servers and I hope that perhaps here it can live on, and that some of you might find it at least mildly entertaining.

    So, a couple of years ago I made a thread on the forums with the idea of fighting the, at the time, ever-present salt in the PvMP community. I wanted Freeps and Creeps to have a place where they can share funny images and memes from the Moors. Just to brighten the mood a little bit. Along the way I also started working on a little project, a 'comic book' of sorts, that I'll probably never finish. Or maybe I will, who knows.

    Anyways, I hope you enjoy it :)



    And here's the comic. There's 3 chapters so far. The 3rd chapter came in two parts, that's why near the end it says 'End of Part 1' and 'End of Part 2'. Also, I am really sorry about the size of the font in the beginning. Try and zoom it in somehow :)


    Hopefully the pictures are in order :)

    submitted by /u/MorpheusV
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    Came back after ten years or something - my character is gone.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 12:45 AM PST

    Played the game way back when, but reactivating gives me an empty character selection screen. Does anyone know anything about it?

    submitted by /u/hinawerdan
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    Bought MM, now afraid to log in!

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 10:50 AM PST

    EDIT: Well, the Valar goodies all went to the first character I logged in, and they are bound to her. So no, they can't be transferred to another character. The crafting carry-alls are shareable.

    I'm confused. I want to use my resources wisely. Is the 120 Aria automatically delivered to my first log-in?

    I ask because I want to save the Aria for an alt, but I want to download the carry-all and the rest of the goodies to my 118 main.

    submitted by /u/Ekoobah
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    Heads up: you can do carry-alls on Anor & 120 token on another server

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 09:02 AM PST

    Just a heads up for anyone who was torn about having to do their carry-all bags and 120 token on a single server from their Minas Morgul order, you can do a slight split with bags going to a legendary server and token going to the non-legendary server. From a post from Cordovan earlier today:
    " While testing delivery of the Valar - 120 and the crafting Carry-All this morning as we work to open the servers, we have discovered that the Aria of the Valar - 120 will NOT deliver to a Legendary World. However, all of the other one-time deliveries like the Crafting Carry-All WILL deliver to a Legendary World. Additionally, the Valar - 120 will deliver upon subsequent log-in to a non-Legendary World.

    So, to do what the OP wants as I read it, they can log first into Anor, get all the stuff except for the 120 Valar, then log into the server they want the Valar on, provided it isn't a Legendary World. "

    submitted by /u/OldRedfox
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    What healer to pick?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 07:35 AM PST

    Hi everyone,

    With the launch of Minas Morgul I am looking for a healer to boost to 120. What are your suggestions?

    Is a Lore Master a sufficient healer? Don't know much about that role.

    Excited to be back in Middle-Earth!

    submitted by /u/FrankiesMind
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    Any reason for a new player to buy the expansion right away?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 07:22 AM PST

    I played LOTRO way back at launch but it has been so long I've basically forgotten everything. When I came back recently I started a new character.

    I'm far, far away from the old level cap...still puttering around Staddle and/or running off to the Shire to help the hobbits. I'm not really in any hurry and am just enjoying being in the world.

    Is there any reason to buy the new expansion? Or should I wait until I get to level cap. Basically is there anything in it that applies to all players?

    Somehow I have all the prior expansions from, I guess "Intending to return" then never returning. LOL

    Uodate: Universal answer seems to be to wait until I get up to level cap. Thanks so much to all who answered!

    submitted by /u/dragonchasers
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    Error: Cannot Save Data Files

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 09:57 AM PST

    When I tried updating the game, I just got this error on the launcher. Anyone else get this, and does anyone know how to fix it?

    submitted by /u/JMJ_Productions
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    Black Book of Mordor

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 05:07 AM PST

    I purchased Minas Morgul, but I don't own Mordor. I have two questions.

    1. Will I be doing myself a disservice doing the black book in the new expansion instead of starting from Mordor?

    2. Can I do the first part without owning Mordor? I plan to purchase it, but I'm waiting until Black Friday. I paid for the ultimate fan bundle for Minas Morgul, but don't want to drop that kind of money on an old expansion.


    submitted by /u/Seraphis79
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    Gondorian Army - formations & weapons - Warfare in Middle Earth

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 03:12 AM PST

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