• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 5, 2019

    Lord of the Rings Online | Nen Hithoel, and the beyond #outofbounds #noinvisiblewalls

    Lord of the Rings Online | Nen Hithoel, and the beyond #outofbounds #noinvisiblewalls

    Nen Hithoel, and the beyond #outofbounds #noinvisiblewalls

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 01:25 PM PST

    Minas Morgul launches on the 5th @ 19 Cet + quick pointers

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 10:41 PM PST

    The Minas Morgul expansion has been confirmed to launch on the 5th of November with a downtime that (currently) ends at 19:00 Cet. For full details you can read the patchnotes here.

    Login priorities

    Any Valar and Carry-all will only be available on the first server you log in to! Be careful with the legendary server or alt-servers.

    Black book or Mordor or starting Minas Morgul

    The expansion starts with chapter 11 of the Black book. You don't have to complete the previous 10 chapters if you want to jump straight in. Though you will have to complete the interlude you can get from the Beorning house in the Vales (takes about 45-60 min).

    Gameplay changes

    • Runekeeper has gotten their general revamp and specific skills and abbilities
    • Warden damage has been updated and defensive buffs have been lengthened
    • Outgoing healing and critical magnitude has been changed.

    Gear changes and updates

    • Embers are still capped and topped off at 10.000 on launch
    • Previous ember-giving quests will now give motes (as well as 120 gear)
    • "Older armour set with > slots = max level 120 (No 4-slot Osgi armour etc)


    At launch creeps are a mess. Nothing to sugarcoat. Vastin has already stated he has been working on an update to it. But you can look pretty with cosmetic outfits.

    Instances and tiers

    • At launch Minas Morgul will only be available on tier 1
    • At launch U23/U24 will only be available on tier 1 and 2
    • Upcoming patch (first week will release higher tiers)
    • Scion for T4 and T5 are disabled for U23/U24 instance for the "introductory part" of Minas Morgul
    • *T 4 and T5 were available during beta. Perhaps only the gold loot is disabled.


    • Black book gives 2 addition traitpoints. Max spendable points is now up to 94.
    • New UI Settings option "Induction Bar Display."
    • A new Housing Item called the "Training Dummy Stand" is now available for Barter from the Curator when the Curator is available.
    • Virtues can now be earned up to rank 65.
    • The Hobbit Gifts system has received a significant update


    submitted by /u/squirle123
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    Thank you Lotro

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 12:30 AM PST

    For making me fall in love with you again!

    submitted by /u/Kaledis00
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    Update 25: Minas Morgul Release Notes (Tuesday, November 5)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 02:30 PM PST

    Best lore-founded ideas for the "Magic" classes?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:05 AM PST

    So I've been toying with making a Loremaster, but like all of the magical classes, there isn't a whole lot of lore foundation for them. There's a little bit that's been made to work (and embellished quite a bit) to give us the MMO classes, and I find nothing wrong with that.

    However, I find myself more able to feel into a character if I have a solid lore-friendly basis for them, so people who know more about LotR lore than I do, what's the best case for founding out magical classes in lore?

    Loremaster can be Human and (both) Elves, so map regions considered, what makes the most sense?

    Rune Keeper can be (both) Elves and (both) Dwarves, and again, regions considered, what would be the most solid lore based combination for these?

    Minstrel is an odd one, as I don't really see them so much as "magic" even though it's tactical damage. But I view their abilities as their songs are so inspirational they lift normal people to extraordinary deeds. And there is some basis for this in the lore.

    submitted by /u/ImperialInvolvement
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    LF Arkenstone Kinship

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 02:35 PM PST

    Hello! After a brief stint on the legendary servers, I have decided to return to the live servers. I am an older player, that played LOTRO in the early days, that has recently returned to the game. Are there any kinships that are active on discord that are looking for new members?

    submitted by /u/delltablet
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    Making the game more challenging

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:23 PM PST

    Just got back into lotro after a long hiatus. There's definitely something VERY special about this game! However, I believe it is quite a bit easier than I remember.

    How do you keep the game challenging to still be fun (if you consider that fun and besides stone of the tortoise, already have that) or do you prefer a more easygoing and faster grind/ ride so that you can have more time to do and read the quests? I'm having a hard time setting restraints for myself while keeping the RPG aspects of the game of gaining gear to better my character.

    submitted by /u/notmute_swan
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    MInas Morgul

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 08:58 AM PST

    Any new delays? Or tomorrow it is?

    submitted by /u/reanor
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    LOTRO forum skin issue?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 01:42 PM PST

    LOTRO forum skin issue?

    For the last few days I can't log into the LOTRO forum and the skin looks like some kinda default. But the weird thing is no one seems to be talking about it. Is it just me? The log in thing seems especially odd - I can log into the game just fine.


    submitted by /u/Woodcharles
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    Launch is still the 5th?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:49 AM PST

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