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    Saturday, March 27, 2021

    Lord of the Rings Online | When can I do my first dungeon?

    Lord of the Rings Online | When can I do my first dungeon?

    When can I do my first dungeon?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 06:02 PM PDT

    I am currently level 14 and feel like I'll be heading to The Bree very shortly (elf). I'm enjoying the lore and zones and all (there's a ton of back tracking which sucks) but I'm really interested in some PVE group content. When can I start dungeons?

    Can you run dungeons more than once?

    How/where do I join a dungeon?

    Also I'll be solo so.. do I have the ability to join randoms?

    submitted by /u/BellNizz
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    How fun is a solo story playthrough? And what do I need to buy?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 10:45 AM PDT

    See title basically. ;) I played a tiny bit of this years ago but never really got into it. With the lockdown dragging on I figured I might as well get back. I'm mostly interested in the story/epic quest. I've been messing around in the shire a little bit, but now I'm wondering how viable, and how fun, it is to basically just play through the story, and some side quests of course.

    Also, I'm a bit confused about what the expansions/quest packs do.

    As I understand it I can already go anywhere in f2p and the story quest is included completely, with quest packs giving me all the side quests. So what do expansions have that quest packs don't?

    submitted by /u/Rhellic
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    New player advice (HUNTER)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 02:41 AM PDT

    Hi guys, first time player here. Really enjoying the game at the moment. Just wanted to grab some useful tips on starting out from more experienced players if anyone is willing to help.

    I decided to make an Elf Hunter and have made it to lone lands so far, currently level 27. I'm mostly looking for advice on character development. I like exploring the game on my own just fine but I do like to build and develop my character as efficiently as possible when playing MMOs.

    submitted by /u/FrankelHS
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    Anyone else experiencing distracting texture flicker and pop in/out?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 03:04 PM PDT

    I've noticed this especially in the Shire and Bree-land regions over the past month or so. As I'm wandering along I'm constantly distracted by busy movement and flickering in the background as various elements (usually trees) seem to pop in and out almost at random. The transitions between distant imposters and the more detailed close-up models are not at all smooth sometimes, and some distant tree imposters especially in Bree seem to not render at all, so what looks like an empty plain suddenly turns into a forest as you approach. There's not much method to the grass textures either, like a meadow will be visible from fairly far away but have empty patches that are then filled with more of the same grass as I get closer.

    Is there something in my graphics settings that I can adjust to help with this? I suppose lower texture quality across the board would give me a more coherent visual experience, but I don't know if I want to sacrifice all that pretty. :(

    submitted by /u/LordMangudai
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    What is above the Refuge of Edhelion?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 08:12 AM PDT

    I was just wandering and exploring around Ered Luin, and found an area right after Refuge of Edhelion that I never knew that existed. On the new map, it says it is the way to Northern Ered Luin. Is it a clue or something new that means further expansions planned for the future or just something older that SSG never went into?

    submitted by /u/ultimatemachine311
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    Speculation on LOTRO's graphical update

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 07:42 AM PDT

    So here's the scoop. Some friends got me to play FF14 (I refuse to type all those X's and I's) and it's fine. It's an MMO.


    I love the controller support and the fact that the game runs perfectly smooth on my PC. I thought about how nice it would be for LOTRO to run this smooth, even if the graphics weren't updated at all. Then I thought about the news we got last year.

    Click here for reference.

    Our new publishers have stated they're going to invest heavily into LOTRO to update the graphics and give it more mainstream appeal. I come to you today to see what you think about this, now that there's been a bit of time for it to sink in. Is it going to happen? Is it going to make a difference? Is it just a statement a new investor has made to make themselves look again?

    Everything is speculation at this point but I'd like to know your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/shipwreck-lotr
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    I don't understand how expansions work

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    Basically, I'm a new player, I played as F2P and I understood that if I buy something I become a Premium. I just do not understand how expansions work. I mean, I played other stuff like WoW and FFXIV, in those games if you buy the last expansions you automatically have all the previous expansions. In LOTRO, if I want a "complete" experience, what I have to do? What I have to buy and where?

    submitted by /u/Zerosauro
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    Beorning questions.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 10:37 AM PDT

    Hey guys and gals, a while back (about a year) I started a Beorning and messed around with it a bit before I stopped playing the game. Coming back I see that their healing has changed. From what I recall you used to heal in man form, but now I see that they turn into a bear to heal and they have support abilities as well. Is their healing still good or is it more of a DPS/healing hybrid now? Also are they still good tanks at end game? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Aebel22
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    Thinking of returning

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 06:43 AM PDT

    I played awhile back around late 2013 as well as at launch. I had purchased most if not all the expansions up to that point. I had several characters. Thinking I might want to try again. Is there a lot of stuff I can do solo...I only get to play weekend mornings for most part. Can I use my old log in info/account? Been craving playing an mmo...tried on the PS4 other games but just not as satisfied. Sorry for choppy text I'm at work at the moment. Thanks for any feedback and cheers!

    submitted by /u/willyman73
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    Looking for names on Anor...

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 08:47 AM PDT

    Hi there! I was hoping to find the owners of the characters with the names 'Iroh' and/or 'Katara' on the Legendary Server Anor.

    Was wondering if you'd be willing to part with the names? I know this is a long shot... Figured I'd try. :)

    submitted by /u/Iroh_the_Dragon
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    Which World should I start in? Just re-downloaded the game...

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 07:45 AM PDT

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