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    Saturday, May 30, 2020

    Lord of the Rings Online | Still not over the beauty of Rivendell

    Lord of the Rings Online | Still not over the beauty of Rivendell

    Still not over the beauty of Rivendell

    Posted: 29 May 2020 07:12 PM PDT

    Fenmarch, Eastfold, Western Rohan.

    Posted: 29 May 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    The LOTRO Beacon: Issue 162 (Metal Fest on Landroval, Free Content/VIP Changes, Free 100% XP Boost - 1hr)

    Posted: 29 May 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    The Baths of Minas Tirith

    Posted: 29 May 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    Gateway to Forochel

    Posted: 29 May 2020 06:40 AM PDT

    Midnight over the Rushock Bog

    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    On my way to Needlehole

    Posted: 29 May 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    Free Questing Coupon and a VIP Update – Thank You from Standing Stone Games

    Posted: 30 May 2020 12:52 AM PDT

    Returning player

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:42 PM PDT

    Hi there,

    Considering returning to the game. I used to play on landroval, my highest toon was a 100 captain. I'm contemplating starting over as a new captain, as I don't really remember much about the game, or where I should even quest on my level 100, and it's been so long since I've played, I'm basically a new player again.

    I love the captain because I make everyone in the group better, so I'd like to do fellowships while leveling up, etc.

    I was thinking about starting over on Arkenstone. Is it very populated? How's the game population overall?

    Lastly, would any of you on arkenstone be willing to help me out? Mentor me, etc?

    Are there other servers recommended?

    submitted by /u/CaptainMigz
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    I’ve filled out my champ trait tree

    Posted: 29 May 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    As the title say I filled out my yellow champ trait tree, what tree should I start next? I was thinking blue, because I saw there are some more morale and power buffs (correct me if I'm wrong). I'm solo btw

    submitted by /u/kveldulf2020
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    need burglar guide for end game

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    leveling one now and i was wondering if there is any guide on builds, and how to play the class effective

    submitted by /u/mitu123123
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    ESO is destroying my will and desire to play Lotro.

    Posted: 29 May 2020 07:27 PM PDT

    I am a multi mmo player. I play ESO, Lotro, EQ1, EQ2 and dabble in Neverwinter and Age of Conan. All have good and bad points, but all have been enjoyable for many years. I've recently started playing ESO more, and it dawned on me that they have solved the riddle of mudflation with the implementation of their flat leveling system, where every single mob that you play from day one to day last is the same level as you. No more outleveled zones, no more graveyards of abandoned content.

    So here i am in Lotro, and i have many characters, and i've recently gotten a core group of them into Moria. It became apparent to me that i really really really hate morie, first of all. I loved it back in the day when it first launched, but now not so much.

    The ability to choose ones own path, to strike out and do something different for a certain level range is virtually non existent in this game!

    There are a few places here and there along the way that allow some choice of path, but really not much at all. Combined with a single path and the same exact quests and mobs, it destroys replayability.

    So why come here and moan about it? Perhaps to engage in others to see if i am not alone and if there is any way to engage the lotro devs to broaden the scope of the game development.

    Looking at leveling in this game, for a subscriber, the process is fairly quick to level, which means that unless you buy a tortoise stone, you tend to outlevel things rather quick. That also means that in areas where you have a choice to do one, you almost certainly will out level the other.

    I wish that they would outright steal the ESO level scheme, which would make replayability and choice an absolute possibility. Yeah, i know they can't or won't do this, but it would be nice.

    The devs for ESO started out much the same way as Lotro, and changed mid stream in a massive way to what they have now, and damn is it brilliant.

    Out of all the games i've listed, the only other that is perhaps a bit more linear is Neverwinter.

    EQ1 and EQ2 do a fairly good job of giving multiple leveling paths until the higher levels and then it gets fairly linear as well.

    So what else could be done? How about choices in the story quests where you have a choice, go to this area or that area and do different things to help the fellowship. There are some zones in the under 50 area that could facilitate this. I remember way back in the day, Esteldin was a great quest hub and it was gutted. Forochel is so far off and an incredibly horrible chore to grind rep to get access to fast mounts that most people ignore it except for the class and story quests.

    Anyway, i am rambling. I love Lotro. I don't want to quit. (I almost did today, i just didn't want to run one more character through Moria, i luckily decided to try dumping moria and following the quest chains in Eregion)

    Any ideas would be great o see. If there are any Lotro devs that care to comment or even tear me apart, please do.

    I would post this in the lotro forums, but most things written there tend to get drowned out.

    Thank you for reading :)

    submitted by /u/bobothetractor
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    Did Flock of Moosen survive the server consolidation?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    I remember when I played on Nimrodel, I saw FoM people everywhere. Did they find another server? Their website from the lotro-wiki says "This site is frozen," so I'm thinking no, but maybe they switched to Discord only or something.

    submitted by /u/dsrtfx_xx
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    Compatibility of different races' storylines

    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    Hey folks!

    We, as a party of 3, want to get into LOTR Online. The game offers quite a few races and classes, and different races have their own starter zones. Now, if we will have a party of two elves and one dwarf, how will it affect the progression through the game?

    I know we can freely roam the map and meet up despite different starter zones, however, won't it disrupt the flow of story for either elves or the dwarf? Or is the main story skippable, and we can just focus on doing other quests and dungeons?

    Thanks in advance for your replies!

    submitted by /u/YourPersonalLebowski
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    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    I fear that there isnt a „right" answer....but i really dont know what to play after a longer hiatus....I honestly dont even know the actual max lvl...

    What class is needed most at the moment?

    submitted by /u/xGeldredx
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    Day 1 player, should I start over? I haven't played in years

    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:47 AM PDT


    As the title suggests, I bought the game on release. I haven't played the game in probably 5 years or so. My current characters are Hunter 64 and a warden 95 (really did not like playing it). I am currently on the Brandywine server.

    Due to the amount of time I haven't played (I own up to thru Helms deep), would I better off just starting over? I don't mind if I have to. Also should I look at transferring servers? I'd like to be on a server that has a good population and a kinship to join. I'm not wanting to be carried by any means. Just looking for a kinship to make friends with, group and can offer advice. I get along with everyone under almost all instance (43 almost an empty nester) and have plenty of play time. In the right environment, I'd be happy to VIP as I do not really like F2P model.

    If I start over, I'm open to a class change. I prefer to DPS or support. I really rather not heal or tank, but don't mind a class that can in a pinch (offtank, secondary heals). I like to make things go boom. I do have the Beorning unlocked. Thank you for your time.


    submitted by /u/tukai1976
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    Returning Player LFK

    Posted: 29 May 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    Hello all. I have played on and off since beta. Never been to max level, lol. I've bought most expansions when they came out except the last one or two even though I've never made it to the content of any of them.

    I'm looking for a casual and fun kinship that can offer advice or assistance though I mainly play solo and just like chatting when I play sometimes. Some RP is fun too. Thanks all!

    submitted by /u/Zulgeek
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    New ruins in Bree-land? Or am I just stupid?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 02:54 AM PDT

    New ruins in Bree-land? Or am I just stupid?

    Hello everyone!

    So I noticed these ruins in Bree the other day, but weirdly, all the way from Evendim. And I was wondering if these were recently added or not, I just can't imagine missing them for my 9 years in lotro?

    Also can you get up there somehow, because I tried from the lake on the other side but I couldn't find a way.



    submitted by /u/antivancorvo
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    In need of a Rohan guide.

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:29 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm fairly new to the game, and the epic has brought me to the East Wall. Going further into Rohan, there are many zones to quest in, and I really don't know how to progress from the East Wall without going all over the other zones blindly. Would appreciate any help.

    submitted by /u/amiesteven
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    Group of Three Coming Back After A Long Time Away

    Posted: 29 May 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    Hello All! My group of friends and I are returning after a long time away. We are looking at doing skirmishes and the other three man content. Will we need a tank and a healer to do those or can we play what we want? Also do the regular dungeons scale down for 3 people. We would love to see all the dungeons but have no desire to guild or do pick up groups.

    Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Beyorn1973
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